Fantasy identities aren’t queer and actively harm queer people.
Fantasy identities aren’t queer and actively harm queer people.
I’m blocking your dumbass. This is just right wing fascist apologia cleverly disguised as acceptance. These people are mentally ill trolls who harm the queer community by demanding acceptance of something that isn’t real.
Edit. You know what. I identify as a bird. Let me jump off this roof and fly! Oh shit, I splat on the ground. Guess I’m not a bird and I’m just dead now.
This is so fucking ridiculous you must be a troll.
Catgender people need mental health help. They can be trans, the can be non-binary, they can be cis, but they can’t be cats. They are humans.
How is it that we had a solid decade of real acceptance and then suddenly when these losers come onto the scene it’s a war against queer people? Fuck them and their apologists. They’re not queer, they’re mentally ill attention seeking trolls subverting the queer community for right wing purposes.
Trolls be trolling. I’m not giving into this sea lion nonsense.
They need mental health help, they’re not queer. Cat isn’t a gender anymore than attack helicopter is. You can’t be a cat just like you can’t be an attack helicopter. I’m not putting up with this queerphobic let’s tolerate everyone! nonsense.
Their existence harms queer people and fuels right wing attacks on us because they want to live in fantasy land and need mental health help.
What’s funny is cheap bad sources of food fuel obesity. That’s why America is so fat. All the cheap food is terrible for you and subsidized by the government, so that you’ll need diabetes medication for your entire life enriching the health insurance and big pharma companies.
Sorry, slightly off topic, and obligatory fuck Israel.
They’re the source of right wing conspiracy theories about litter boxes in classrooms and “I’m an attack helicopter!”
They absolutely are hurting us. And they deserve pushback.
Fantasy non human identities aren’t queer.
People can do whatever the hell they want and receive pushback for it. They’re not special and they’re actively harming queer people with their fantasy bullshit.
QUEER people are being genocided. I am a queer person. Fuck off.
Equating not taking fantasy nonsense seriously and being actively against it because it is transphobic trolling with the very real existence of trans people and then equating it to “republican” and “tRaNsPhObIc” is fucking rich.
THEY are tRaNsPhObIc. Fantasy identities and neopronouns are not real and are actively harmful to the very real queer community.
(which ultimately means there’s no knownbiomarker to test for).
I had a relatively serious TBI as a teenager that wasn’t treated properly (long story) and when the symptoms from it became impossible to ignore as a young adult it was my fault for being lazy and there’s nothing wrong with me I just needed to try harder.
That level of gaslighting makes me hate the medical industry.
Reality definitely is overrated
No fucking way! Being medically gaslit leads to bad outcomes! The sky is blue and water is wet!!
This entire thing is being done in America by American companies and the American government.
That is what’s going on in our politics
I’m queer, fuck you. Fuck your feelings and fuck your pronouns too. Fuck everything about you. Call me a fascist? For holding queer people accountable for their bullshit while we have a genocide approaching us? Fuck alllllll the way off. Fucking child. Waaaah my pronounssssss go complain to the fucking concentration camp guard about being misgendered in a few years!