Total noob here, can stremio be used to escape big tech legally?
Total noob here, can stremio be used to escape big tech legally?
I hope no one answers that
You can do anything you want, just save it in an “ai_dev” directory
Arrested is not the verb I’d use there
Does this matter in any way?
It takes time if you want to do it right
It’s exactly because he did
Don’t you actually have 7 holes?
Doge is the fastest growing startup I’ve ever heard of, talk about efficiency
It’s Mistral Le Chat. I don’t know enough about Mistral tbh though
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I understand correctly from the steps provided, it was manual data extraction.
AI was used to “organize data into a neat PDF”, and to later ask the AI whether a brand is okay to use or not, with a PDF that presumably contains “a list of brands to avoid” according to the prompt. This can literally be a Ctrl+f or something similar.
I’m not going after anyone. Yes, we should be going after corporations, and not only for their environmental footprint, this doesn’t mean we can’t criticize other people.
Plus, I really agree with the sentiment, as already stated. But, imo, this is not the right way to go.
The sentiment is great, but I really wish people would stop using AI for everything.
No matter your opinion about AI in general, which I’ll admit, I’m not a fan of, there is a true environmental cost associated with it, and using it for such trivial tasks is not such a great idea.
Edit: wording and format
Can you use bank apps on this phone?
Warlords are able to do that because they already start from a position of power, exploiting others and making them act against their own interests. This is one of the core problems “fixed” by anarchism.
Does this mean this will never ever ever happen in an anarchist society? No, there will always be threats. But disregarding anarchism entirely just because it can’t fix something that is fundamentally unfixable hardly seems reasonable or fair.
These are the new rules.
Maximizing shareholder profits at any cost is not new.
What it is, is the thing you should be morally opposed to, instead of justifying it because “hey, that’s how it is”
It’s not peace when you have a gun over your head.
You said I have a flat in Moscow because I don’t agree with your opinion. You throw terms like “false equivalency” hoping it sticks. I was talking about peace and you talk about counter invasion, not sure what the point in that is. Russia started the war so let’s invade them and show them is not very productive or reasonable. We seem to have diametrically opposed opinions on war in general.
I want people to stop dying for pointless wars from which they have nothing to gain
It’s not a moral thing, I just don’t have the luxury of evading the law like big tech