It’s Steam Deck verified. Install Steam and Proton and go for it.
It’s Steam Deck verified. Install Steam and Proton and go for it.
Yep. Treebeard is taking them to the western edge of the forest. Pippin tells him to turn around and go south. “The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm.”
Original borders, NATO membership, and the return of nuclear weapons. Fuck Russia and their agent Trump. Get out of Ukraine.
I think you only need the controller or phone app for setup or config changes. Though it is easier, in my opinion, to just run a controller. You can (at least last time I checked) still self host one if you like. If you’re just doing network config and monitoring, you don’t need much in terms of performance.
Yep. This is the way. G4 Pro is pretty good, too.
Duuuuuh. (This wasn’t meant as a dig at you just … yeah)
“States Rights” is a dog whistle. It’s the solution when it suits them and the enemy when it does not.
Yes, the Nazi has nothing better to do than play video games. I fucking wish that was all that asshole was enthralled by.
Might as well squander any potential leads we may have had on the next generation of technology because everyone knows only next quarter matters.
/s for the fucking smooth brains reading this
Not even close. It’s better than launch, but not by much. Still some infuriating workflows.
The cruelty is the point. It’s ridiculous. How can people be so driven by hate and greed to do such a thing?
Lock this fucking asshole up already, he is unfit to serve and should be forcefully removed from office immediately
I’m doing my part!
He was already on the Interactive TV bandwagon. Truly, a man ahead of his time.
I read it to my kids when they were each around 7-8 years old. They still have not yet watched the movies.
There are scary parts, but it makes the resolution that much sweeter. But they were also prepared for it because we were reading at that level. I didn’t go from Dr Seuss to Tolkien.
(Also, as a casual book nerd, if you’re at the point of reading LOTR to your kids, I’d also highly recommend reading them Moby Dick.)
It’s like the coolest scene in the movie, too. Bernard Hill crushed it.
It’s hilarious because it’s the default control style now, but I remember trying Perfect Dark with the “2.1” controller setup where you used the center stalk on two N64 controllers (giving you a joystick for each thumb) and how hard it was to use initially. So different than the C aiming on Goldeneye.
First you have to have an understanding of “the common good”, which I’m quite certain he is lacking. There is only “the good for me”.
I bet she lives in Canada, too. Eh?