Isn’t this already there now in iOS 16?
Isn’t this already there now in iOS 16?
Welp, I know where the zombie apocalypse will start from.
I thought only my weirdo cat did this. He’s my little poop buddy.
You can disable Mission Control and Spaces by typing the following command in terminal:
defaults write com.apple.dock mcx-expose-disabled -bool TRUE && killall Dock
If for some reason you want it back you can type in the following into terminal:
defaults delete com.apple.dock mcx-expose-disabled && killall Dock
You can google the commands above to check the authenticity of my answer. Hope this helps. 😊
Insert YouDontSay.jpg meme here. Not giving op grief. Just can’t believe WaPo has to write out the obvious.
It doesn’t appear we can. We can edit comments we make. But not posts. I’m having the same issue
I mean they probably will. It’s just that the families have so much money it’ll be like a drop in the bucket for them. ¯\(ツ)/¯
Ah. I must have missed that in the article. Thanks!