Ruby dev. Previously embedded-dev. Inflicted with the “gifted” lie as a child. Failed creator. 45. Married, heteroflexible, cis, he/him.
Cheaters always prosper, and bullies always win.
#fedi22 #fish #dogs #music #gamemusic #gamedev #programming #ruby #videogames #tech #electronics #retrogaming #retrocomputing #startrek #doctorwho #scifi #adhd I like it, very clean! I do have one suggestion though: instead of jumping to the top of the timeline when refreshing, keep the user at their last-read post, and remember that across app launches.
Ivory does this, and it is a lifesaver because I hate having to scroll back down to figure out where I last stopped reading. It’s honestly why I don’t engage with Bluesky more as no Bluesky client seems to do that at the moment.
If you did that, I’d pay for the app in a heartbeat.