That’s awesome. What stuff did you host, and did any stick out as being particularly well suited for running on a tablet? By that I mean especially efficient for the hardware, or if any were well suited for localhost access from the tablet (e.g. having an web UI well suited for tablet use).
I also have religious trauma largely from being queer/trans in a religious family. My gender expression has generally been cisnormative so I don’t have the same experience of someone who’s more visibly gender nonconforming, but my internal gender experience I’ve come to learn is very much not cisnormative.
I was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD recently at age 29, but I had been self realizing the autism for years before, and before that I did a lot of work healing from what I understood to be CPTSD.
I can’t diagnose a random internet stranger but if I could make money betting on this, I’d bet a lot that you are on the spectrum lol. And for many autists who are gender diverse, their autism and gender identity feel totally intertwined.
I would highly recommend reading Devon Price’s book Unmasking Autism. It is very queer and trans inclusive.
I would also recommend reading Paul Walker’s book on CPTSD. I’ve found it pretty helpful in a practical sense.
Before I read both those books, there was a book I found very helpful called I Know I’m in There Somewhere by Helene Brenner. While it’s not about autism or PTSD, is cisheteronormative, and targeted toward women (and I wasn’t even socialized as a woman), I still found it to be very powerful and it resonated a lot with me. I read it before I even really started self realizing ASD, and in retrospect a lot of the traumas it discusses from a lens of women in patriarchy also apply to autists in a NT world, or queers in a cisheteronormative world.