It’s a U.S. thing. Eggs are refrigerated to prevent salmonella. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules require eggs be kept under 45°F/7°C at all times.
It’s a U.S. thing. Eggs are refrigerated to prevent salmonella. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules require eggs be kept under 45°F/7°C at all times.
How would this even work? If sent on a boat, they would have to refrigerate them to damn near freezing so they can make the trip. If flown, the added cost would be steep.
The whole fresh egg supply chain seems to be linked to local farms.
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.”
That headline belongs in the “Double Negatives” Hall of Fame.
There’s a very simple solution to autonomous driving vehicles plowing into walls, cars, or people:
Congress will pass a law that makes NOBODY liable – as long as a human wasn’t involved in the decision making process during the incident.
This will be backed by car makers, software providers, and insurance companies, who will lobby hard for it. After all, no SINGLE person or company made the decision to swerve into oncoming traffic. Surely they can’t be held liable. 🤷🏻♂️
Once that happens, Level 4 driving will come standard and likely be the default mode on most cars. Best of luck everyone else!
There’s a very simple solution to autonomous driving vehicles plowing into walls, cars, or people:
Congress will pass a law that makes NOBODY liable – as long as a human wasn’t involved in the decision making process during the incident.
This will be backed by car makers, software providers, and insurance companies, who will lobby hard for it. After all, no SINGLE person or company made the decision to swerve into oncoming traffic. Surely they can’t be held liable. 🤷🏻♂️
Once that happens, Level 4 driving will come standard and likely be the default mode on most cars. Best of luck everyone else!
Epistemology is the study of knowledge and there’s a rich history of some deep thinkers who have been noodling about a lot of this for centuries.
There well might be a magic recursive bullet out there, trying to mimic neurons and end up with some sort of synthetic intelligence. But what we have now is nowhere near it. At best, we have electronic parrots cosplaying as deep thinkers and burning through GPUs like there’s no tomorrow. Everyone’s trying to shovel mediocrity as good enough.
Way back in the days of Papert and Minsky and lisp-based AI, people had enough humility to get philosophers involved in these discussions, but the tools and tech were too weak. The current crop of chucklefucks, backed by big money, are too full of hubris to want to go read up lowly liberal-arts thinkers like Locke, Hume, Kant, and Russell.
Let’s just press forward. The promise is always over the next mountain.
Filing taxes. Instead, I’m going to go watch a movie and try a new beer. Take a crack at it tomorrow.
Sopranos. Sex in the City. Any police or hospital procedural, other than House.
They seem to be doing pretty well during Spring training. Helps to have someone like Posey with all that institutional knowledge in the mix.
If you want to truly understand the way the world works, you may want to have a way to model the objects, events, interactions, and all their semantic connections, as they change over time.
But that’s too hard.
Let’s just have a universal parrot that has been trained to retain and repeat everything it has ever heard. Sooner or later, the parrot will sound like it understands things, without having to deal with that other messy stuff. All it needs is more examples to mimic.
Analog vinyl and digital Bluetooth? Aren’t those supposed to be mortal enemies?
You may want to do some research into Japanese wood joinery. There are some amazing techniques out there. Just one of them…
Voluntary compliance.
“I told him we already got one.”
[ Soldiers snicker ]
“Tis but a scratch.”
Golden opportunity to reverse whammy. Anyone who complains gets a bill to cover the flavor surcharge.
Most embeddable medical devices need wireless to share out data and get OTA updates. Unless you’re doing wired things, in which case MCU size may not matter.
As cool as the TI is, I’d look at the new SiLabs BG29 for processing + BLE:
On second thought… a medical device that goes in one end, collects data, and comes out the other end. OK, that may not need wireless… and it better be small.
How to go a whole article without once mentioning AirTags.
Also, whatever happened to Bluetooth AoA/AoD for precise location-finding 🤔
I’ve always appreciated the feature of AI coding tools, where they confidently tell you they’ve done something completely wrong. Then if you call them on it, they super-confidently say: “Of course, here’s what needs to be done…”
Then proceed to do something even worse.