Also more into the doomy stuff, but I like a bit of death metal too. I’m not always sure what belongs where genre-wise, but I know some of the stuff I like qualifies.
Also more into the doomy stuff, but I like a bit of death metal too. I’m not always sure what belongs where genre-wise, but I know some of the stuff I like qualifies.
Hi there, fstateaudio on SDF and the Mastodon. I’m in the US.
The first anime I remember was Robotech (still a favorite) in my childhood, also Voltron and a couple others that made it over here back in the 80’s. Later in the 90’s some stuff on the SciFi channel and what I could get here & there on video. Bubblegum Crisis, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Green Legend Ran, and Vampire Hunter D were/are some of my favorites from that time.
My favorite stuff tends to be mecha and cyberpunk. One of the most recent things I’ve seen and liked (which falls outside those genres) is Dororo, recommended by my stepdaughter. :)
I’d heard about it here & there over the years, but only recently looked more in to it after joining the Mastodon instance. A bit of a “how did I miss this?” moment for me honestly. Just started an actual account and when I can scrape the funds together I’d like to put up a gopher. Will likely do some other tinkering as well as time allows.
There’s a few there I haven’t heard and shall have to check out, thanks!