Doesn’t PixelFed allow marking accounts private though?
Doesn’t PixelFed allow marking accounts private though?
Thanks for that! Some quick clarification/supplementary info:
Game Pass Release Date: Dec. 9
Apparent UK release time (per UK Xbox Store): 00:00 Dec. 9
Release times for other regions: unknown, possibly 00:00 Dec 9 at local time
I’m confused - how are the numbers they provided less honest? You came up with a different stat than what they’re focusing on, but I don’t see how that makes it more honest.
Well and that is what Larson was always after - realism.
Easily the most effective for me has been to develop, review, and/or do one action item off a plan to be able to leave the job and work towards something I want to spend my time working on. Knowing I have a plan, remembering it and seeing that it’s a good plan, and taking steps on that is a concrete reminder that the job I hate is temporary and I’m not stuck. That reduces the scaries significantly for me.
Then I also like to clean my place, light a scented candle, and read/watch something to make where I live feel cozy, comforting, and home-y. A reminder that even though the job is shit, I have at least built a home that I come back to. Might call a friend and talk it out too - works on both levels.
What do you do?
They’re not entertaining the idea; they’ve already executed it. Women have already been arrested for miscarriages in multiple states.
They all quit, so presumably they’ll attempt to establish themselves as a new publisher. I am.very much hoping for an announcement of that soon. If Annapurna, the parent company, was trying to blend their agencies, it’ll be interesting to see if they can maintain the quality of their productions.
I think the rumor was about them attaching magnetically to the main unit, not that the joysticks would be Hall effect.
Ah, you’re great; thanks again and for doing it so quickly! May be able to play tonight now; can’t wait.
Thought I replied to your comment but it’s not showing up for me. I appreciate it; I just accepted your friend request.
You’re awesome; just accepted your friend invite.
If you’re able to hand out more and willing to add me, I’d love a chance to play too: https://steamcommunity.com/id/minstrelhelterbutton
…you have a link for that electric kitchen knife?
He was allegedly trying to meet up with the minor at Twitch-Con, so you may be right.
You do know the hope is not to treat symptoms but underlying disorders, right?
I would tend to agree with this approach. And if defederation is used, I wonder if it would be a good idea to defederate for a set period of time until a set date where the defederation will be reevaluated. I think everyone needs an off-ramp for their behavior to change, and that communicates that we’re open to interacting as long as they do so in a way that respectfully meets our code of conduct.
When both claim to be the victim…I mean, that’s basically every single case. There are signs you can look for, especially if you are trained on it, but where I’m from, the people who will be responding to it aren’t all that well-trained and sometimes the response is to provide IPV/SV resources to both parties. Which isn’t the worst option to fall back on. If you’re working with a survivor and trained, in my experience, you can usually tell pretty quickly who is the survivor and who is the abuser. But that eye is not trained into a lot of the people interacting with the situation legally, that’s for sure. And that hurts all genders. To your point: including men too because any gender can perpetrate and there is still the idea in so many places that men cannot be abused.
I will disagree with your point that self-defense doesn’t hold up if you stay for years or decades though. Leaving an abusive situation is a nightmare. The physical violence is never reported to be the worst part either; it’s the destruction of self that is the worst part. IPV is designed to make people helpless, hopeless, and reduce their access to all resources that can help. Sometimes all they feel like they have is self-defense in singular moments. I don’t think we can hold that against people.
What a shit situation, yo. I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m glad you’re willing to call it what it was, a sexual assault. It sounds like your system largely failed you. I wish that wasn’t so often the case. Hope you’re taking care of yourself.
You can’t drop items in the game and you can’t see item comparisons. Surely, this is less about design choice or more about band-aiding their archaic inventory system?