So you’re saying the lady in charge of protecting people who are wrongfully terminated managed to prevent some moron boss to wrongfully terminate her? Well, ain’t that nice!
So you’re saying the lady in charge of protecting people who are wrongfully terminated managed to prevent some moron boss to wrongfully terminate her? Well, ain’t that nice!
He knows, and we know he knows.
He needs to look strong and we don’t need him to lessen his position or dilute his message to assuage our pride or some shit.
Jesus, it’s like you fucking gave money to their Kickstarter and are whining coz you didn’t get your credit yet. Can you wait till Ukraine has won at least?
Once I had to fill some forms for the gouvernement and I just went to their office and found a wonderfully helpful lady who helped me to do it and reassured me when I would freak out because their questions were not logical or not as closed as they thought. It was an eye opener and I’ve used the technique ever since.
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." ― Terry Pratchett
If psychopaths have all the traits of succeful CEOs and these creeps are amongst the most successful CEOs of their times…
Wait, “or people who have been promoted”? That seems rather… counter-productive.
HUNTB-069 - Single guy just moved in this apartment and it’s only girls who want his attention - JAV, M7F.avi
Wow, thanks DeepSeek!
In Ireland you just go to the pub and you’ll be sure to find some asshole ready and willing to talk shite to ye the whole night. People seem to think the Net invented this kind of wankers…
Amazing. Just amazing.
I’m a bit curious, as a foreigner, how that works. I thought the executive was supposed to be separate from the legislative and the judiciary. Or is it different in the US?
The gear gets hurt during fights but even at my low level 7 I can go sharpen my sword again and I’ve enough coins to fix whatever got damaged in the last ambush. It’s not ridiculous either. Only my chest and helmet were really damaged. But yes, it’s all very slow paced.
Had given up on it two years ago and with the release of the second decided to revisit. The combat is clunky as fuck, but I really do enjoy the heart of the game, for lack of a better word.
I just wish it crashed less T_T No real saves and constant full freeze with hard reboots is not fun.
Which should tell you how much I do enjoy what I get to play that I’ve sunk about thirty hours so far. Getting my first horse and hunting game in the woods to feed the sick, being ambushed by a gang of three brigands and their dog to fend them off, barely. Stumbling upon a burnt hut in the woods and discovering a treasure… The sense of discovery and exploration is spot on. Losing all that because fuck knows what, not so much.
A lot of people only ever try the boring white ones and get their flavour from other places. They have no fucking idea!
I hope you don’t personally know whoever said that becausr they are a moron and possibly a future Darwin Award candidate.
That’s like one of the early things we teach young kids : “see those bright red berries? They look nice right, and birds love them. Yeah they are poisonous. Don’t eat them or you’ll die.”
Mate I don’t need all these feelz to start my day. Especially as a dad, holy shit.
I hope he does get mail and sees the memes. Man deserves it.
“I paid for WinRAR” with a Mister Moneybags kinda character saying it or something. That would be fun.
Holy shit! That’s what it was! His outfit kept nagging at me… Spot on! :,D
I wonder how many Luigis that fellow is creating for himself. That’s gonna be interesting.
Mate, the one thing you discover in this job is that no matter where you go, your “customers” always seem to be complete morons or something. At least that’s what you’d think listening to my younger colleagues :,D
We provide API management, CI/CD support, middleware and a few other things to the rest of the company and the number of times we have to explain basic stuff to software devs is kinda… exhausting.
Oh I don’t doubt it’s all a show, but that just seems like a particularly egregious example. Still, you’re right to spell it out.