That article is from 2021, but still good information.
That article is from 2021, but still good information.
You rock!
Haha, I remember that 500-mile email story. Classic!
I recently placed an order with Dell, but kept getting messages that they couldn’t process it. After spending five hours on the phone with multiple customer support people, they finally told me it was because my billing address was different than my shipping address, and that I wasn’t allowed to do that.
What’s also scary is how irresponsible people are being with this technology.
I had someone tell me they routinely take naps on their drive into work using lane assist and adaptive cruise control! I started laughing but they didn’t laugh back…
Navy recently raised their enlistment age cap to 42. They’re currently the only service to do so, that I know of.
Edit: As far as I know, the enlistment age cap for most other services is 39, and the officer candidacy age cap is 35. There’s variations and waivers though, depending on your situation.
Yes, but I’m hoping to limit the time away from my family to 30 weeks.
I’m joining the Navy Reserves, which is a bit more flexible than joining the Navy. My wife and I currently work on a Navy base as civilians, so I hope to do most of my drills and duties there, and still be home for dinner every night. We know of a couple people in similar situations that do this already.
Boot camp is 10 weeks long. Tech school, which needs to be done immediately after boot camp, is something like 15 - 20 weeks, depending on your job. With any luck, this 30-week period is the longest that I will be away from my family. It will suck, but everyone has been very supportive.
Once I get back, the goal is to find a full-time duty close to home so that I can start maxing out the GI Bill. I’m told I need 3 years equivalent of active duty to Max it out. After that, I may drop back down to one weekend a month, two weeks a year.
Various reasons. Mainly the benefits. Tricare health insurance for the family. Post-9/11 GI Bill for the kid. Having a security clearance will also open up some IT job opportunities for me.
Turned 41 this year. I was a moderately successful website developer and high school computer science teacher. Next month I’m joining the navy. Should be fun.
There is no smoke without fire. Americans seem to have a special preference for making vampire-themed movies, and the prototype of the vampire comes from bat. The Americans’ experiments with bat coronavirus have cultural origins.
That’s hilarious!
Keep us posted.
I still go back and watch sales guy vs. web dude whenever I need a laugh. Great videos!
I’ll have to check it out. I’ve been using Joplin for a while now, but I always feel like something is missing.
I learned on Reddit not to trust any world news or political news posts. I was tricked a couple of times by fake posts. I still browse the posts, but I take everything I read with a grain of salt.
I use news apps for my news.
Tears of the Kingdom. I also bought Mario Odyssey on sale at Target.
I realize my post sounds like I’m against students typing out commands, but I’m not. I’m against them mindlessly typing out commands they find on the internet without taking time to understand what the commands actually do. I encourage them to be intentional with their commands and really understand them.
You know, my students do this. It’s freaking hilarious when they inevitably have a typo and get an error. I chuckle every time. 😄
Where does Eileen work?