Nah, the disgusting part is the consequences of factory farming and humanity’s domination of the planet and desire for meat.
Well-done burgers are the band-aid for the deeper problems.
Nah, the disgusting part is the consequences of factory farming and humanity’s domination of the planet and desire for meat.
Well-done burgers are the band-aid for the deeper problems.
Dude is incredibly stupid, because he’s been ordering under-cooked burgers without any conception of what he’s requesting for “Bob”-know-how-long.
He might like medium-cooked burgers, but he has no idea what that even means. The food at the hotel isn’t less-safe than other places. They just didn’t assume he read the fine-print at the bottom of the menu and were the first to inform him that it’s not safe.
Yeah, they delivered the waiver at the wrong time, but dude should’ve already known what he was ordering wasn’t safe. I order over-easy, soft-boiled, and sometimes sunny-side-up eggs. I know the risks, and I accept them.
Unless you put an a ton of effort into it, ground beef is only safe well-done. To get safe under-cooked ground beef, you need to discuss your intentions with your butcher and grind the beef yourself. Even with grinding a single, quality cut of beef, you’re still gambling.
Also, fuck you, I’m not your friend guy, here’s a rocket ship ().():::::::::::::::::D~~~~~~~
Dumb American disgusted by his own stupidity
lol, I love you, bro.
40 C high for Thompson-Nicola in August so far, so this bodes well for you.
Yeah, this is one of those constant annoyances that you kinda just live with. It doesn’t matter that much, because compound words were at some point not one word, and there may be separate words that you use today that will join together during your career. Electronic mail became e-mail became email. As long as the casing doesn’t hide the meaning, you’re doing it right. Also be consistent. Don’t recreate such monstrosities as XMLHttpRequest.
I’m seeing the same thing.
Those glasses are hideous, but the Superhero Burger looks reasonable.
I love that they couldn’t get Jim Carrey to do the commercial, so they just kept him out of frame or unlit.
After doing some searching, hydration ratios matter, but also kinda don’t. Here’s a good article on the topic. You can find entirely too much information on the topic here.
By weight is pretty standard, so I’ll probably split this into 2, so we can observe the differences.
The only thing I really wanted to demonstrate with this series is that you don’t need anything more than flour and water. Since I was doing this anyways, I figured I might as well share the process and show how simple and easy it is. Also this community needs some activity!
I’m very excited to get to baking with the starter(s) when they’re ready!
Yum! That sounds deliciously malty! I’ll keep my eyes peeled next time I go shopping.
Yet, we need to continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the women and people demanding the basic rights we take for granted and enjoy every single day.
We must try and save the lives of those sentenced to death by raising the political cost of their executions and making sure that those languishing in prisons are released.
I’m calling on the international community and media to keep shining a spotlight on my country to demand that the regime stops using torture immediately.
Let’s hope MLS solves some of this, but there is a certain amount of necessary complexity with syncing encryption keys for groups as people come and go.
I’m very annoyed by issues decrypting messages in private conversations. Nothing is changing, so it should just work after the first message, but no. Random messages can’t be decrypted unless I refresh. Very frustrating.
Most of my books use 1:1 by volume, and I’ve never had any issues. When baking I use the Tassajara sponge method, which is 1:1 by weight with an overnight rise before working into a dough.
I’m sure 1:1 by weight would work, too. You’ll be along for the ride, so we’ll see how it goes!
Nothing, the floozy
Sounds great!
And I think we can define the a fair win condition thusly: if timeanddate.com reports an average high for a month in BC as a whole or in any regional district greater than 50 C before October 2028, you win; otherwise I win.
The loser donates 50 CAD to a food bank of the winner’s choice.
Historic weather links that’ll be useful for checking the data (change the URL for the month & year you’re checking):
I’m referring to the “High & Low Weather Summary” table. I’m sure we’ll both just be watching to see what happens in Thompson-Nicola regional district.
This seems fair to me, because we both of pretty good odds of winning. With how extreme the weather events are getting and how rapidly things are accelerating, there’s a good chance that we could see a 5C increase in the high for Thompson-Nicola by October 2028, but maybe not, and any of the other districts could surprise us.
When you realize that you should not have smoked before the presentation /s
It is honestly tragic and infuriating to watch elected leaders rot while refusing to stop governing.
On Tuesday afternoon, researchers’ fears were confirmed. The pod of almost 100 long-finned pilot whales rushed to the shore, stranding themselves on Cheynes Beach near Albany, in southern Western Australia.
By Wednesday, 52 of the whales had died, the authorities said. A team of local volunteer and conservation officials managed to move the remaining 45 back into the water and attempted to herd them back out to sea, using boats and kayaks to guide them. However, that afternoon, the whales re-stranded themselves further along the beach, the authorities said. The Australia Broadcasting Corporation reported that the whales had again formed a huddle before drifting back to shore.
Lord of War is a fantastic Nicolas Cage movie!
Lyrics: https://genius.com/Punchmade-dev-wire-fraud-tutorial-lyrics
From my understanding:
Looks like it’d be better getting into the darknet businesses that facilitate the wire fraud. Always better to be selling pickaxes than digging for gold.
Won’t work. In Texas their God is white.
To be clear, please continue to enjoy your food the way you want it. Just know what the words that exit your mouth mean. Life shouldn’t be safe, and many of life’s greatest pleasures are not safe.
The waiver is stupid, but it has less to do with capitalism and more to do with the legal system. People sue for anything and everything, and I don’t blame companies for trying to defend themselves from that. They asked the dude to sign a waiver, because they’re afraid he doesn’t understand the risks and might sue if he gets sick.
Funny thing is: in this case the guy didn’t understand the risks. He thought they were saying their beef is sketchy. What they were really saying is: all ground beef not cooked to 165F could be sketchy. I think he’s dumb, because he doesn’t know that a medium cooked burger involves risk but has been requesting it everywhere he goes. If he had known what a medium burger is, he would’ve just said “yeah yeah yeah”, signed, and ate the burger like an adult.
I’m not you pal, buddy. (but we might be friends now)