What does “accept” mean here? I agree it’s vital to look at oneself with clarity and acceptance, but one shouldn’t ignore the effect one’s “failings” have on other people. Accepting oneself shouldn’t mean stopping on trying to improve oneself.
What does “accept” mean here? I agree it’s vital to look at oneself with clarity and acceptance, but one shouldn’t ignore the effect one’s “failings” have on other people. Accepting oneself shouldn’t mean stopping on trying to improve oneself.
Since nobody posted it yet: https://youtu.be/tJk8UevZbIs
Whoops! But it says “belt and road”, not river, so everything is in order.
Das ist wirklich irre. Erstaunlich, dass dies in den reichweitenstarken Medien nicht auftaucht.
Greatly reducing sugar intake goes a long way.
Fully agree, the software landscape on Linux is mind blowing.
Oh don’t worry, Trump is breaking this cycle. This time, no recovery will be possible and no democratic president will be elected.
I’m doing this daily so: yes
Every couple of years I try out the latest “assistant”. I ask very simple queries, stuff that you might expect it to be able to handle. It always disappoints hilariously.
Questions where previous assistants consistently and utterly failed: “What’s the weather going to be like today?” “I want to go to [address], using public transport, can you tell me which routes I have to take?” “What are my appointments today?”
You’d think these are pretty obvious use-cases, but every iteration of assistants was completely incapable of getting even close to a satisfying answer. I don’t expect LLMs to fare better this time around.
So you’re starting to hate reddit more than X. Understandable. I think the social media companies are lost, they had their time.
… so they can learn what ads you’re willing to tolerate.
This is a well written piece full of astute observations. I have a problem with one point, though:
The new civilizational struggle is between hard and soft*.* Don’t overthink this. Trump is not playing four-dimensional chess and trying to pry Russia from its alliance with China. American foreign policy is now oriented to whatever gets Trump’s hormones surging. He has a lifelong thing for manly virility. In the MAGA mind, Vladimir Putin codes as hard; Western Europe codes as soft. Elon Musk codes as hard; U.S.A.I.D. codes as soft. WWE is hard; universities are soft. Struggles for dominance are hard; alliances are soft.
It’s not the difference between “hard” and “soft” that matters here, it’s the difference between “simple” and “complex”. Trump, in every conceivable way, is a simple man, and his followers find that one of his most attractive traits. He, like them, neither understands nor accepts complexity and that informs his world-view and actions.
I see trash like Fortnite not being available on Linux as an absolute win.
Wenn das gelingt bin ich ehrlich überrascht. Ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer am Horizont.
Voyager on android, im perfectly happy with it.
It’s getting so tiresome. Improve products? Improve service? Improve quality? Improve efficiency? Improve literally anything? Nahh, let’s slap an LLM on it and see whether we can fire some people.
It started as an experiment to get off the Windows 11 train wreck for me and now I can’t imagine ever going back. Linux is so far ahead, it’s not even a competition.
This will start off very slowly and become huge over time. When the EU starts construction of single markets, expect long lasting results.
I think, therfore I SLAM!
That’s something people really have to get into their heads: an “answer” by an LLM ist just a series of high probability tokens. It’s only us humans who interpret reason and value into it. From the system’s standpoint it’s just numbers without any meaning whatsoever. And no amount of massaging will change that. LLMs are about as “intelligent” as a fancy database query.