I learned programming with Java and then thankfully never had to use it since CS102. HATRED
I learned programming with Java and then thankfully never had to use it since CS102. HATRED
This is only tangentially related, but the best thing you can do is make stuff instead of buying it. Somewhat ironically, community building and self sufficiency will be more important than ever. Yeah everyone is going to say electronics but I feel like we all have enough of those already. Forbidden knowledge is far more valuable. Kind of doomer but… that’s where I’m at lately.
He’s coming for you
I got fired 6 months ago and it’s been a crazy journey. I got super strong, biked over a thousand miles, traveled, and started an unsuccessful business. But also started some pretty bad habits and got depressed, and spent the majority of my savings. Now I have a part time job for minimum wage that is extremely dangerous and risky. It’s a trade off.
Are you suggesting he refuses to transfer power?
I guess that is only fans?
Eh you gotta do it once or twice
This is a good meme template
Pro max plus
Yes. Housemate or roommate mean anyone who is sharing a roof with you that you mostly don’t bang
The Fifth Risk is a very good read for anyone who might be interested in a finer grained look into the lesser-known functions of our government 👍
Make your own yogurt! It’s the best
Would definitely stuff her
How should I burn things properly? 🤔
Nurse, can you close for me? No? Well, how about you open for me?
You have this logic reversed. They do the work because they undercut domestic labor by accepting lower wages in cash.
Good luck making this argument on lemmy. 🤡 You are not alone in your thinking though.
Maybe it’s time to finally give it all up and buy that little sailboat ⛵