Glad to finally see some coverage on this!
Glad to finally see some coverage on this!
Canada, USA, Paraguay, Germany. For a while, Brazil, Columbia, The Netherlands, and The Cayman Islands were on that list, too.
Yeah, it shows off the machines really nicely, displays them like they’re art.
I like the dramatic lighting in this
That sucks. Sounds like you two need to work on your communication.
I started The Hands Of The Emperor by Victoria Goddard last week (so good!), and tore through all 900 pages of it in a few days. Found out there’s a sequel - At The Feet Of The Sun - and poured that one into my brain as well (even better than the first!). Now I’m reading my way through the novellas that are in between those two behemoths.
Loose screw on the neutral bar. Maybe it loosened over time, maybe it was never tightened correctly to begin with. Probably both. Regardless, when the gap got big enough and the excess current on that circuit went back through the neutral, it overheated to the point of melting. Good thing you shut that circuit down, you very likely prevented a fire!
Now the big question is, why didn’t the breaker trip on its own?
How long is your scarf? It’s difficult enough to find the 10-12’ space for a standard length scarf, but I know that Dr. Who scarves are considerably longer.
This makes a near-perfect opening shot for a grim, mid-apocalyptic movie
Canada’s shorts
Canada’s shorts
It feels like exploitation because it is
Ultrasound screenings identify cancers that can be missed in mammograms, radiologists say. And they are imperative for women with dense breast tissue, a condition affecting nearly half of women over the age of 40, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Uh, being a certain age has fuck-all to do with breast density. It doesn’t suddenly change when you turn 40. And yeah, not only do mammograms become impossible to read after a certain density, but they’re painful as fuck, and ultrasounds don’t have this issue. So what the fuck? Why deny covering the cost of screenings? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
Bold of you to assume that the wall outlet would have a 20a breaker. Most don’t, unless they’re in a kitchen.
But you’re right about the resistance. Also, most extension cords are undersized for the loads they pull, they’re commonly made with 16 or even 18awg wire, further increasing resistance (which translates to heat).
Source: am electrician in US
Edit: I showed this pic to my spouse and he was confused why someone was peeing from a chair, so it’s not just you and me
right handed hammer, screwdriver
Sounds like shit I’ve sent the new apprentice to go looking for when I need a break
Pill pockets can work, but some cats will eat around the pill.
Personally, I’ve had the most success using cheese slices. As in, the highly processed plastic wrapped “cheese”. Tear off a bit, wrap it around the pill and kinds of smoosh it around the pill, and just like that, it’s irresistible to kitties.
I’m currently reading the third in the Nightvale series, The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home. It’s pretty good so far, pretty interesting! If you’re not familiar with the Welcome to Nightvale series (or podcast) it’s pretty bizarre, nothing makes any amount of sense, but it’s fun. This book is a bit removed from that (kind of), but it still fits right in.
I’m also listening to The Chemist, which is different from my normal, but it’s been interesting enough to enjoy. I knew nothing about it going in, and I appreciate the strong and interesting female lead, with her highly unusual job.
Just finished was The Clockwork Dynasty, which took a lot of liberties with all the hand-waving in order to bring the plot to life, as it were, but it was enjoyable enough to consider reading the next one
Next in the queue: Slaughterhouse Five. I’ve had this one on my list for ages, and am finally getting around to it. No idea what it’s about (and I refuse to look it up) but I’ve heard it’s really good, so am looking forward to it.
Guardians Angels & Other Monsters is the next in the Clockwork Dynasty series, fingers crossed it’s worth the read.
And lastly, Dreams Of Shreds And Tatters seems like a Monster Of The Week, but those can be fun, too.
Wish I could upvote this more than once