• 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • there’s one argument here: freedom over your own body.

    Animals should have freedom over their bodies too. It’s hypocritical to be pro-choice, but then force cows to have arms shoved up their anus to be artificially inseminated for dairy products by buying their secretions. It’s hypocritical to think you deserve total control over an animal’s body for taste pleasure. Be vegan.

    There are 80 billion land animals killed for trivial, unnecessary reasons every year. Stop breastfeeding off of another species in adulthood and paying for chicks to be thrown in blenders. That’s fucking weird.

  • The vast majority of aborted fetuses are not sentient. Sentience is the ability to know oneself exists through feeling. Yet in the US, there are laws protecting insensate biological material but not sentient male chicks ground up alive in the egg industry. I see the moral value of a day old chick as far more than a 14 week fetus since the male chick has sentience and can feel pain while a 14 week old fetus cannot.

  • It’s a false dichotomy, leave them on farms or leave the in the wilderness to die. Sanctuaries treat cows with dignity instead of objects for profit.

    There will be more cows existing at any one point in time if more people don’t go vegan because of the population increase. It would take less resources to let the cows alive now live out their natural lives and there not be any cows anymore in 20 years than to continue sexually abusing them, forcing them to reproduce, then killing 30 million of them a year in the US alone. There’s 91 million cows in the US right now, it would take less resources to let them live out there lives and there be no cows in 20 years than if there are over 91 million cows in 20 years. The population will decrease from 91 million down to around 0 in 25 years whereas if people keep eating cows, there will be over 91 million cows consuming resources in 25 years.

    This utopia scenario is a fantasy, but it demonstrates an important fact that if we breed less cows, less resources will be used and there will be less of a toll on ecosystems. The ways less cows will exist is if humans stop reproducing as much and/or go vegan. The numbers will decrease gradually the more that people go vegan.

  • If this were not the case and the numbers were natural, the planet would be consumed by cows in a short number of years.

    The reason there are so many cows is because people are breeding them into existence. There are far more cows now than there would be if people were not eating them. I’d rather be extinct than be sexually abused by humans, have my children killed at a fraction of their lifespan, and live in filth like most cows do.

    Instead of breeding more animals, we should let the ones alive now live out their natural lifespans and stop breeding them. But as long as people keep buying animal products, breeders will keep breeding the animals.