What do you mean?
What do you mean?
It’s the airbase where if I remember correctly US pilots train German and Ukrainian pilots. US pilots that unlike any other pilots in the world have actually used planes in combat situations.
Don’t be too hasty to dissolve NATO. There’s a difference between trying to decrease European reliance on the US military and just destroying NATO with no replacement in sight
I haven’t read the original comment and don’t know anything about how conversations work but would it not be easier to Google chatgpt?
It’s funny. You’re telling us that the technology was too complicated for some people to use, then you say we got to the point that it just works and you end with this being bad. Why do you think that?
Games with good art design are superior than “good graphics”.
Because there’s nothing to be gained and everything to be lost from the US leaving NATO.
Yes, there are good reasons to develop an EU army with the same capabilities as the US but realistically speaking that’s decades away if we could start today but we’re not even discussing it seriously. In the meantime making any decision furthering the US from NATO gives no advantage to Europe.
The US is not just a member of NATO, they are a member that surpass the remaining members (taken collectively) in every regard. Its not just the equipment or manpower lost but the ability to launch a military intervention around most of the globe, something the US, and only the US can do with combined arms. We also lose most of our effective and experienced leadership, technical capabilities like spy satellites and GPS.
If the US want to invade Europe, they can do so while mostly being sure that we (EU) can’t effectively shoot back, with or without the bases on our soil, like it’s not even close.
Christianity and Christianity are two entirely different religions. It differs between the time period, geography and even between 2 neighbours. Christianity is not a moral code but something you can interpret based on your already existing moral code.
Not sure where you got the 2 numbers from but without knowing their methods of gathering and interpreting data you can’t just compare the two numbers as is.
Texture, ability to handle more or less sauce with each bite.
If you’re a woman keep your drinks covered around men. Responding not all men is pointless even tho I’m a man and I don’t think women should be afraid of me but I get it that they could be and the person that could help change this the most is me and men not women.
And again this is a pointless tangent to the original statement.
Few weeks ago it was Biden that Russia preferred.
I don’t understand why people give a fuck about what they have to say.
Cold turkey is what works for most people but if you tried it and failed many times don’t be afraid to use nicotine replacement in some form, medication ( I used Champix and I’ve quit successfully 3 years ago) or even therapy. You’ll find online a lot of people who say that you only need willpower which is true if you have it but just depressing if you don’t making your situation after numerous quit attempts worse and worse.
There are plenty of websites with concrete plans and tips on how to do it, all of them with good advice but you have find out what works for you and what doesn’t. There are also some apps that can help you track your quit process, the health benefits of quitting and reward you.
Since you told nothing about your previous attempts if you had any or how long youve been smoking and why you want to quit I can only give some general advice:
Every day you don’t smoke is a win. You need to find out why smoking hurts you, why stopping smoking would help you. Choose a plan, stuck to it and if you fail learn from it.
What so you mean?
What were the targets?