I miss those browser animations when it was downloading.
I miss those browser animations when it was downloading.
You do make a good point there. They will need to appeal to those disenfranchised Tory voters, I just hope they dont go the “Tory Lite” route.
And, if Labour get in, they may have to bring back Austerity. They’re certainly not making any new spending promises. They will inherit a shitshow and they will get blamed for it.
Anyone remember when he left UKIP and he went to America for a bit to lodge his tongue up Trumps backside looking for a job?. That little goblin got snubbed so hard we didnt hear from that little turd for ages.
Like a turd that wont flush, here he is trying to stink things up some more.
Don’t worry. He’s going to build his own socialist utopia. With blackjack and babushkas.
Must be running out of cheese.
Least we had the best memes.
If it’s Craig Charles, I’m going to be miffed.
I think they got lost. Lived in Notts all my life and never seen Culture or Vibrancy. Food aint bad though.