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There are no stupid questions. I sincerely did not understand it as such. If you don’t know something, ask. If you have no idea where to start, ask. And this is how I understood it.
You’re not the first person asking that question.
Wait until you hear about “piano”.
EU is not a single country, as the US. Each country has its own rules and regulations.
Some countries, as mentioned, offer a digital nomad visa (Croatia is one of them) others do not.
There’s also something called the Shengen area, which allows for free movement between countries. Not all EU counties participate (yet) and even some non-EU countries are part of it. This allows you to have a citizenship in one country and live / work in another.
As for the language, your mileage can vary. Most countries will require at least a basic language knowlege to pass the citizenship test. For day-to-day communication, work and study, you can find options where English would be sufficient. Lots of universities offer English-language programs and lost of companies are international with English being the primary language. Most Europeans speak English quite well.
As others have mentioned, a student visa for one of these would be your best bet. Explore which country would make most sense based on your needs.
If student visa is not an option, then getting a job (in the target country) first would be a way in. Get a working visa and start applying for citizenship.
You should also understand that literary everybody in Europe (not just EU) has an ID and is registered as a citizen. It’s therefore practically impossible to be undocumented and still get salary, open a bank account or visit a doctor.
TL;DR: Explore each country individually. “Moving to EU” makes as much sense as saying “Moving to Asia”.
Your job change, you should. 🙂
Joke aside, depends what is the issue here:
As others have mentioned, find something to look forward to. If you’re miserable at your job, see what you can do to change that. Any small wins you can look forward to?
If you’re in a position “do I really need to do this for the next 30-40 years”, that’s a more difficult thing to resolve. We’ve set up a system for ourselves where that is the only possibility of surviving in this world. To change that you’d need to move somewhere to the highlands of Scotland or a tropical island somewhere and live completely off the grid. Unfortunately, though, that life is not easy.
Your best bet is to be born rich. Other than that, friends help. Having a support net and something to do that brings you joy makes this a tiny bit more bearable. Go read books. Go to the park. Sign up for dancing lessons or martial arts. Learn a new language. Travel. World is so much more than what we see on TV.
Mail is freaking hard. It’s not the setup that’s the issue. It’s getting enough reputation that your emails don’t get bounced into oblivion.
Believe me, I have tried.
You run into things like registering your netblock with Microsoft so it can accept your emails. You don’t own a netblock? Didn’t think so. Do you have enough outgoing emails so your IP builds up reputation as a reliable sender, so you don’t get thrown into spam by Google? Didnt think so either. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
What I ended up doing is use one of the big providers (be it Google, Microsoft, Tuta, Proton or something else) and just pull the email to my server. Sending out works the same. Basically using them as proxy.
I still get to keep my email and I’m I independent from the whims of my email provider. The tradeoff being I need to shell out a few bucks per month and email still passes their servers.
Haven’t found a better solution yet, unfortunately.
Documentation - the worst part of programming.
Mikrotik and Ubiquity
Unfortunately, that’s a question only you can answer. But goes without saying for any job.
Ask yourself:
Edit: typos.
Well, that’s common law for you.
Most of the world has continental law where most of these things would be written in a law somewhere and unenforceable through TOS as those provisions would be deemed in conflict with the law and therefore void.
Duh. Same goes for Steam games and most of digital content.
If you want to keep it, there’s usually always an option to sail the high seas.
No. They don’t and they wouldn’t.
Well, it’s similar to how American bands go on a “World tour” which includes 30 US cities and maybe London and Paris, if they have a good day.
Not to be sarcastic, but ‘global’, ‘world’ and similar terms seem to be in the eye of the beholder. 🤨
Labeling something does not make it a ‘social construct’.
We label rocks based on how and when they were formed. This does not mean it has any sociology behind it.
But I do respect your opinion and if you do think so, you are well within your rights to do it.
Sex is not a social construct. Gender is.
It’s true - we are learning more about sex every year and understanding it’s not completely binary. But your sex is assigned at conception.
That’s one of the reasons doctor’s don’t ask about your gender, but your sex - because treating could be different. And, as an example, IHE (medical standard) recognizes about 7 sexes.
Gender, on the other hand, defines social norms we expect from certain sex. How gender is perceived changes from culture to culture and from one period of history to another - sex doesn’t.
That being said, I do believe that gender roles should be a thing of the past. You do you, whatever you’re comfortable with.
None of this account for differences in purchasing power and phone price.
If you have an $150 Android device, I would of course expect you to spend way less on software than somebody with a $1500 iPhone.
I’m not saying ‘develop for Android only’ but if your business relies on one ecosystem only, you’re at a higher risk and you’re leaving money on the table.
Well, they have limited themselves to single point of failure.
That’s like selling only blue shoelaces and then crying faul when your only supplier stops making blue color.
If your livelihood depends on one account only, you are in great risk anyhow.
That sounds like anecdotal evidence. Android is more popular in more than half of the world and a lot of apps are successful and generate income on both platforms.
Very much this. Talk to the airline as well. This falls under ‘special needs requests’.
I’ve already flown flights where the cabin crew announced “We have a patient with severe peanut allergy on the flight. We will not be handing out any peanuts and we kindly ask all passengers to refrain from opening any they may have brought on board.”