Love this album alot alot
Love this album alot alot
Amazing! This post inspired me to get real and redo my spaghetti. Figured out where to even get walls today, so that’s a start haha
We have the power… To forget
This is amazing and I love this and you. Great job so far, and keep being amazing for the betterment of all mankind!
Wow planning to do the same thing. Amazing find of a post.
And we have opinions for and against! Wow 🍿
Good luck everyone
Art? Most programming? “Hard skills” / technical jobs… GOOD jobs. Sure. But there’s plenty of degrees & jobs out there. Sounds like you landed where you were meant to be, alot of folks go where opportunity and the market takes them
We are saying the same thing. Degree > diploma for jobs. Go to college, get degree
Because college is awesome and many employers use a degree as a simple filter any way
Thought of a problem: I only pulled 300MB/s in initial test of 10G to my NAS (direct from PC) . Theoretical is 1.2GB/s right? NAS is 5 disk RAID5 spinning rust which interfaces to NAS expansion through USB3. so, this has to be the issue right?
Fix: cut out the USB for slight gain, add SSD cache for medium gain, or switch to all SSD to hit theoretical… Right?
Needed more ports for core switch so decided to mess with Cisco. Not because I like or respect that company or need their features but rather to get real world experience with it. This has only reinforced my hatred of them, but it’s currently functional
Also needed to get 10G up, so went with microtik. This is also a curious little system, but at least it wasn’t $10,000 MSRP (Cisco came from eBay). Still need to configure vlans here: thinking I’ll just keep RouterOS but make it not route.
Thanks! I’ll look into that!
My house doesn’t have a neutral wire any where. Any recommendations for my non-code-compliant self?
Looking fresh, ngl. Need em for the collection
Very sad to learn these were abandoned
Ok hol up. I had to read this 10 times. Reads like AI
Are you saying you think kids are quick to push otherness away because they themselves are insecure? And as a bonus, alot of them don’t gain confidence even into adulthood?
I wonder if there’s a place, that people could be memorialized, their contributions attributed. People can pass by, and leave a token of remembrance. Like a dev graveyard. Sounds like a great idea to me
Naughty knot that’s not a knot no mo