• 10 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2024


  • As the other person who responded to you mentioned, things can get bad. At some level, trust is always going to be a factor with these things.

    1. Matrix.org is still the most popular server - if I just tell people to download Element, they’re going to pick matrix.org. Automatically, this builds a sort of lock in with the “default instance”. Even if I host my own server, that’s not something I can recommedn to everyone, nor do I have the resources to make it a public server.

    2. Already there’s trouble with hosting your own Matrix server due to how heavy the software is apparently. This coupled with point 1, things concentrating into the hands of the foundation is not a good thing.

    3. Following from that, for example, what if they suddenly decide there’s too many people with “radical” ideologies that are against their masters, the imperial powers? They have metadata (even if not content, because encryption) through the public servers they host that they can use to surveil.

    The issue is not just that it’s built by people with poor ideological rigour. It’s that it’s both a fragile structure that depends on trust and the people we’re trusting have poor ideological rigour. That seems like a bad combo to me.

    Imagine if they just wrote and worked on the protocol. That’s it. No official apps, no official public servers. Then I wouldn’t care coz it doesn’t matter. People can check the protocol for suspicious stuff but that’s it. Nothing else is in these organizations’ control.

  • I’m concerned about the software again playing into capitalist, imperialist spirals like we’ve seen with everything else so far. I am also concerned about supporting such an organization/company by doing “marketing” for them through my circles. The whole reason I started this was as part of the BDS movement and it doesn’t make sense to just jump from one highly problematic ecosystem to another.

    And if you’re okay with “lesser evils”, sure. I’m not. I believe continually choosing lesser evils instead of building good things is why we’re in this mess in the first place.

  • They don’t need to be set up at the top. They already are. Some of them will call themselves “middle class”, but that just doesn’t exist. In India, anyone earning living above Rs. 25k a month is already in the top 1℅. Their only point of comparison or aspiration is the billionaires themselves, so, bootlicking is just as common here.

    Just like with white supremacists, they are at the top of the social hierarchy already, but also have a victim complex with them being supposedly “threatened” by the minorities. In the US it’s DEI and Critical Race Theory that fascists are against, in India it’s the caste-based reservation system (affirmative action for the oppressed castes and tribes) and whatever small tidbits that are done for women in the name of the government being feminist (but barely) and progressive (like free public buses for women in some cities).

    I don’t know who to attribute the quote to but it’s just the classic “resistance feels like oppression for those who’ve been long in the oppressor’s shoes”.

    Edit: Also, the caste system doesn’t need to be reimplemented. It never went away. Again I’m drawing the comparison to western politics in case this is someone from the west that’s trying to understand. Slavery was abolished doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways to practice forced labour and keeping people at the bottom of the hierarchy, right? It’s quite similar here too. There are laws that say untouchability is not supposed to be practiced, but people still use different utensils to serve water for the domestic workers for example. Manual scavenging (the labour of mostly Dalit men cleaning sewers with nil protective equipment) is banned. But it still happens. Every week we see news that a few more people died from the toxic fumes or complications after.