2 years agoTurns out I have quite a lot of stuff, and yet I’m here thinking I barely have anything! Until now:
- Nextcloud
- Kitchenowl (grocery lists)
- Kavita (ebook manager)
- Grist (spreadsheets that are databases I guess?)
- Sharry (file sharing)
- Changedetection.io
- A ghost blog
- Bookstack (like a manual on managing the server)
- Portainer (manage containers from a webui)
- Diun (notifies when an update is released for a container. Doesn’t have a webui)
- Homepage dashboard (basically a webpage that shows me my selfhosted services)
All these are running inside Docker containers, on an ancient laptop with a single cpu core and 3 gigs of RAM.
Excited to discover more things to host on that little pretty big guy (somehow its still running well)!
My usage varies from service to service, but unless I’ve either found a replacement or completely stopped using it, I keep all of them (including the ones I never really use) ready to go, maybe with the container stopped. So far I’ve only removed 2 services, both because there were better alternatives for me.
If I see something interesting, I’ll note it and try to get it up later. Sometimes the service keeps spitting out errors, in which case I’ll just attempt again later if I still find the service to be worthy.