I like many string and wind instruments. I never heard the kamancheh before coming here, but I’ve seen similar instruments. If you have song recommendations ready, I’ll give them a listen.
უენო სალამური ღრუა. ჩვეულებრივი სალამურის შიგნით ხის ბლოკია.
That’s great. I hope your bonsai grows peppercorns.
I second basil. I have been trying to propagate rosemary into small containers; rosemary and lavender are easier to grow from cuttings than from seed. I grow dill in small containers, too, but it is not really my favorite.
This is the first time I have heard of this species. Are the fruit from California peppers usable as peppercorns, or are they not very palatable?
I didn’t know that the IPCC was an international form subject to influence from delegates interested in shifting blame, but Sam Hall does a good job explaining why we may end up with a worse outcome than had been modeled before.
I don’t think that humans will go extinct, even if most of our systems fail, insects mostly disappear, plankton dissolve, and we experience 10C warming over 1500 years.
I like the old Neptune more than the new one.