luv me Warhammer, luv me hyenas, 'ate tankies, luv me defense industry, simple as

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • ohhhh of course! how silly of us! I’m sure all the queers who lost their lives to the Soviets feel sooooo much better in their graves knowing that. tell you what, why don’t you dig some up, tell them what you just said, and see how they react. what’s that? they can’t reply? because they’re dead? well who would have fucking thought. moron

  • at what level of desperation do you have to be that you look at totalitarian states and decide they’re the forefront of leftism in the world, instead of just like, admitting they didn’t work and trying to avoid the mistakes they made? seriously, why? in an ideology and belief system heavily entrenched in nuance why do you view the world in black and white? why is it being a “lib” to say that governments who repress the human rights and civil liberties of minorities are not practicing leftism in good faith? the same governments who have horrifically and violently crushed workers rights movements? who have enforced crippling wealth inequality in their own borders? do you even know what leftism is?

  • no one is asking you to. at least I’m not, but the fact of the matter is people in cities are just that, people. people who deserve and are entitled to clean air and the ability to travel within their homes. obviously rural areas require a car because the infrastructure isn’t there for public transit and that’s okay. look at other countries with robust public transit, people in rural areas still have cars and roads to accommodate whereas people in cities can get anywhere they need to without the use of a private vehicle

  • except actual voting is 1 person = 1 vote. shareholders, corporate conglomerates, and lobbyists have made it that 1 person gets millions upon billions of votes. when we do vote with our wallets and buy from the places we want to support, the corporations always win in the end. either by buying them out, or because what we supported decided to cater to shareholders instead of customers. just look at what happened to reddit