Ignoring Trump is one of the best moves you can do, he’d probably resign as president if he weren’t on television all the time and if nobody came to his press conferences.
Ignoring Trump is one of the best moves you can do, he’d probably resign as president if he weren’t on television all the time and if nobody came to his press conferences.
Oh the laugh crying emoji the ultimate sign that you won.
https://touchgrass.now/ Or maybe just post 30 more articles. I don’t care.
Gotta love how a guy pretending to be Stalin on the internet thinks calling me a liberal annoys me
Damn you suck at reading. I said the article was ok but I hate the publication, who’s the troll now?
Lol sorry it’s funded by a conservative hedge fund manager who also funds GB news, I’ll put on the shoes but you gotta help with the make up
In their comment section you get bangers like this:
Divide and conquer. The leftism is a veneer for global capital. Open versus closed – global no border versus nation state. I have seen behind the curtain. Follow the USAID scandal if UK media is able to do it. TIME TO WAKE UP!
Yeah I’ll smear that publication I don’t like it
Ok? Unherd is still a conservative hipster publication, the article was ok but reading the comments made me want to smash my head against a wall.
Holy shit I hate unherd literally the most annoying right wing hipster trash
Human world history nah, I know several good books on beaver world history though.
There is no left in Europe
Well that’s not a surprise. I hope the Palestinians are ready to fight because shit will hit the fan again.
No but it is kinda funny watching Europe get all hysterical about it
Meh as a European I’ll believe that when Rammstein is empty and all us troops have left European soil.
He’s German so he’s probably just binging on sausages and beer.
Gangsta Boo Princess Loko There were always good female rappers in Memphis
Rare turkiye W
Brain drain USA let’s goooo
I mean Trump is the discount Berlusconi, Italy has the weird ability to pioneer some of the worst politics imaginable.