65% of Nigerians, and 61% of Indonesians agree with the statement that “Facebook is the Internet”
This is extremely worrying.
If you are not an insider, don’t buy, simple as that. And even if you think you are, are you really? Were you invited to the lavish opening party with the flamingos and the dancers at the huge mansion with two pools and all that? If not, then you are at the bottom of the totem pole, much like anybody else. Your designated role is to funnel your own money upward.
Unless, of course, the US exits NATO. At this point, everybody would be better of without them.
Good on you, Zelensky. Do not cave.
Not yet.
Rule #1 to not get invaded: Hide your country as centrally as possible in your continent.
It seems Hydrogen dioxide is pretty deadly too. We’re all fucking doomed.
You’re not wrong about that.
Sneaky, to hide the dildo in plain sight on top of a van.
“Gee, George. Use some deodorant, for Christ’s sake.”
Those novel currencies, of course, will be tied to Bitcoin or some other “coin” they’ll create exclusively for that purpose, brothel-money style.
Actual membership for Turkey hasn’t been a serious option for a long time. Turkey knows it, EU knows it. There simply is no other label than “candidate” that could better describe what TR means to the EU. They want to keep it as close as possible, and TR benefits from it, a lot. A symbiosis, if you will. As for the Switzerland model, the EU clearly stated, multiple times, that they don’t want to repeat the unholy mess of relations they created with CH and, in fact, would rather transform it to something in line with stock EU foreign policy.
Looking back on when we fisted
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby, you’re the one, you still turn me on
You can make me whole again
The varsity jacket looks like a 6th-grader designed it.
Serves him well for taunting a fully-grown leopard with “psss… psss… psss…”
If you go, if you go
And leave me down here on my own
Then I’ll wait for you, yeah
The faucet has some sort of sensor and it takes you at least five attempts of waving your hands in front of it before a faint stream of water comes out… for 0.1 seconds.
All my life
Watching America
All my life
There’s panic in America
Oh Oh Oh
There’s trouble in America
Excuse the naive question please, but how will Canadians know each other?
For shit sure, even.