So many fucking pedophiles in the conservative ranks. Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.
So many fucking pedophiles in the conservative ranks. Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.
Not to be pedantic, but Hitler was in heavy combat in WW1, so he’s actually pulled the trigger several times and we have no idea how many people he directly personally hurt or killed. Elon Musk would never let himself be put in harm’s way. Hell, he’ll use his own son as a bullet shield to ensure he’s never in danger.
“The URL was also changed, with the word “medal” changed to “deimedal”.” JFC. This is just the most blatant fucking racism. I don’t think I’m legally allowed to say what I want to see done to everyone involved with this, but it ain’t pretty.
I think we need to show Musk how peaceful we’ve been and how far from harmless we are. Let’s give him a very personal, intimate lesson.
Good. I hope he’s fucking devastated. I hope his entire world is fucking crumbling. Everyone with three working braincells or more knew exactly what would happen if we let the christonationalist fascists have total control of the government, and pieces of subhuman trash like him willingly made it happen.
Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can give you the foundation and support to look for it.
This is intentional. The billionaires are salivating waiting in the wings to buy up as much as possible when the prices are low.
I got banned for talking about Luigi too much.
“I love you” on the only two things he loves, himself and money. Pretty spot on.
Fingers fucking crossed.
Sue Sue Sue. Take them all down and take them over the coals for every cent you can get.
I hope the level of hate grows and moves into offline hate. That shitbag doesn’t deserve a single moment of peace. Break him.
Trump’s America’s foe.
deleted by creator
I wish Vance’s mom put him on the Plan B team instead of inflicting this lifelong b team loser on the world.
Most Americans that watched it don’t think he did anything wrong, either. Even a lot of conservatives think Trump’s behavior was disgraceful.
As an American, I want to see so much more of this. If we’re going to abandon our commitments and fuck over our allies, I want them to turn around and remind us why it was a mutually beneficial arrangement in the first place. Our place of power and sphere of influence relies heavily on cooperation with our allies.
Just let people fuckin’ pee, ya fuckin’ weirdos. JFC.
Not OP, but Mario is one of the most recognizable characters in the world. He’s had comics, 4 cartoon series, countless toys and merchandise, theme park attractions, etc. The original Super Mario was the undeniable standard bearer for the platforming genre and would spawn the largest game franchise in world history, responsible for over 800 million games sold. I’d call it a pretty influential property, staying as strong as ever 40 years after Mario’s big starring debut.
American here: yeah, not far off.