They don’t believe that the party is innocent at all. They know that awful shit is happening, but they chose to lie to themselves, and others, because the Republicans deliver something that they value more than their self respect, or respect of others. For most, it is permission to hate. There’s someone, or some group that they hate so much that they are fine with whatever is “actually happening” as long as they can hate, and their hate is rightous and justified. With enough little lies like “both sides are doing it, so what are you going to do?” stacked on top of each other, then they can disassociate the awfulness from themselves and their party, and shift their disgust for what is being done to the other party.
You just have to realize that the strength of their hate for the Democrats is actually how much they hate then and their own party. So, knowing how much mental effort and emotion goes into lieing to themselves and everyone else, you now have some idea of how truly awful their little secret is.
Did you just call someone a homosexual to insult them? Are you 12? Is “LGBTQ” your version of calling someone a fag these days? Holy shit. I’m an old man, a horrible person, and a complete asshole but even I know how fucking stupid and out of touch a person sounds calling someone a fag LGBTQ.
No wonder even a fascist haven like reddit banned you. They were probably so overcome with cringe and embarrassment that they perma-banned you ASAP.
I honestly think I would be less grossed out of he was an actual alien, and not just some weirdo super rich illegal alien dropping anchors babies.
Don’t forget you can only share 1 screen, not like I might want to show someone both a UI and the diagnostic text at the same time. And God forbid that you and the person you are talking to have wildly different screen sizes… Sure I’m on my 15 in laptop, why not go ahead and share what is on your 35in 8k monitor, im sure teams will work it out.
I suspect most people don’t bring it up because that’s the least of what their friendship implies. And of course if Trump is a pedo, then he would definitely be protecting them.
The real problem is that his base doesn’t care if he’s a child rapist or not. They are either jealous that he gets away with it and aspire to be like him, or they think it’s his God given right and the poor lost children he raped should be honored.
That definitely influenced me. I think that technically makes you an influencer too.
I’m pretty sure we have all been saying that for years. Pretty much from the moment the Epstein shit blew up. I mean, they were best buds for over a decade.
Wow, I didn’t think it was going to be possible for me to have less respect for, or more grossed by, the guy doing Nazi salutes on tv… but yet, here we are. These people are so fucking weird…
Well golly, I guess there’s no way that they can be sexist or racist after all.
Don’t worry, they are out there.
Unfortunately, they are highly allergic to pineapple… but they are out there.
For some reason, the Google keyboard has \ on the main keys, but I have to dig for / and I just can’t find the ability to give a shit some days.
What world are you living in? Only slightly more 1\4 of the US voting population tried to stop fascists from taking over even after the fascists said, “Hey, we’re fascists, and we plan on getting super fascisty up in dis bitch!”. Slightly less than 1\4 of the voting population actively worked to put the fascist in power and the remaining half gave the fascists 2 thumbs up and cheered them on. You are talking like this is some coup, but the US fucking invited them in and handed them the keys to the place. Even with all their tricks and lies and downright illegal activities, it wouldn’t have meant shit if just a small percentage of the rest of the voting population had bothered to vote. So, even if we pretend that we are all Rambo and go on some single-handed “cleansing” of Washington, and we just murder the shit out of them without them lifting a finger to stop us. WTF is that going to do for us? They’ll just be replaced by more monsters because that’s what we chose.
If the bus went 600 miles an hour and every one on board might die because a duck decided to take flight at the wrong time? Then ya I think there would be some serious celebration every time the bus stopped.
Nah, you see this mission needs someone real smart. And when someone talks about smart people in smart professions, do you think about astronauts? No of course not. (Unless they are really really old astronauts, like geriatric, then yes.) instead you think about rough necks. That’s right, you think of guys who drill holes in the ground.
🎶Old McDonald had a farm🎶 æ ø i æ å🎶
Ranching buffalo is more trouble and cost over cows. It’s sort of like trying to swap out your house cats for bobcats.
Shitty milk tastes shitty. I have no understanding why schepps continues to exist. It’s like they have stripped everything that makes milk milk, and now just sell white water. I’m not a huge fan of Borden either, but that’s just a taste prefer. At least Borden is still milk.
People who drink 2% or 1% milk? WTF are you even doing with your life? Whole milk is only 3 or 3.5%, so how much fucking milk are you drinking that 1% less fat is going to save your life? Do you dip your cookies in that shit? Why do you hate yourself? Did you know that fat slows your digestion? By removing fat from your milk and cookies or milk and cereal you’re actually speeding up how fast the sugar hits your blood stream and increasing how concentrated it is going to be.
So, maybe you hate milk and cookies because you have been drinking shitty milk.
I… I don’t think I’d be able to ever look someone in the eye again if I saw them eating any fruit like that.
And then I noticed your user name and realized that you are probably that bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so direct eye contact is probably not a good idea anyways…
I think as long as they throw a 10 lb bag of sugar down the hole before they start pumping then you don’t have to worry about it accidentally becoming a diet Coke.