Greyjay has a spotify plugin you can enable in the sources tab but I’ve never used it so i can’t give a review of it
Greyjay has a spotify plugin you can enable in the sources tab but I’ve never used it so i can’t give a review of it
Also, can i get used to it after 4-5 more times?
After 7 years of trying, I’m finally going back to university this year to get the degree i always wanted :D
But was it on purpose or just a long weekend?
Talk to me when we can install mods too
Love your user name
From persnoal experience, not really. Only some are, just like how some Christians are too and not all of them. Humans will always human, no matter the label.
I do, just not as often. I can’t control it. I do make sure to let them know i appreciate them contacting me though. As much as possible. Also, i don’t understand why the beginning of socializing is more important than the rest of it. Why is me being engaged and interested, continue the conversation, showing appreciation throughout, and making it obvious that I’m enjoying it and would enjoy more in the future, why does that have less weight than a “hi”? I can start a conversation with anyone, wither i like it or not. But keeping up the conversation is what matters to me.
You’re right though, it is a teamwork thing. Any relationship requires work from both sides. I present my work by showing appreciation to my friends, and so far it seems like it’s working in lowering their anxiety and over thinking :)
I’m autistic and i almost never remember to initiat the conversation, or feel like it’s not appropriate. If any of my friends felt like you do, i won’t have any more friends. And i love my friends a lot and can’t survive without them. Don’t over think it. Each has their own way of socializing. It’s about the journey, not its initiation :)
Thank you! Having the skill of a piece of paper and a pen being compared to intelligence is pet peeve of mine.
If i got right, there are multiple applications that can be studied from this system. Because it was hard to study the behavior of noble gasses with each other as they don’t react with anything. Now for the first time, we trapped them together to interact, and took pictures!
One application i can see this helping is in fusion. At least from the math learned from this.
I immigrated to Canada and applied for asylum few years ago. My reasons that i submitted for the asylum were the posts i made online criticizing my original country’s actions, and that those posts will lead to my prosecution if i go back. I was accepted on those grounds.
So what the hell happened here with this woman? Was the judge or office worker working on her case a russian spy or something? This makes no sense at all. Using the reason to accept someone to throw them to sharks instead is draconian at best, pure evil at worst.
Someone needs to be fired and prosecuted over this, and this woman should be given asylum ASAP, especially that her name just became more public.
“Long term” lol. Only in late stage capitalism where 3 months is considered long term. Their minds can’t comprehend anything beyond their quarterly quota.
All this time? What like less than 100 years looking only? That’s a blip on the cosmic scale. 100 lightyear sphere of our galaxy is what, less than 1%? With all the theories and possibilities of what’s going on out there, it’s way too rash to start theorizing like this in my opinion.
And the revenge cycle continues with no end in sight :D
But it’s okay because it’s for good reasons. For their faith, cultures, history, and money. Only lowly humans get hurts and who cares about those, right? /s
Stupid children in adult bodies
SciShow tangents (a lightly competitive science show)
Ologies (interviewing experts from different fields/ologies)
Fake Doctors, Real Friends (Scrubs actors rewatching scrubs, my favorite show when i was younger. Plus great behind the scenes of film making)
The Imp & Skizz show (just two gamers i love to watch, talking about creative stuff. Probably not as enjoyable for anyone who doesn’t watch them already though. Still love them and would love to see then succeed more!)