40 years minimum*
Don’t let them think they can return to normal after this.
40 years minimum*
Don’t let them think they can return to normal after this.
Surprised the government hasn’t sorted all defectors out with a job long before this.
Ahh I am not a fan, it feels very clunky and bloated. And the cards seem to unnecessary.
It takes even more clicks to share a link post now, and it was already annoying enough already.
Neither spine nor knee after a few years of that load.
It’s a bit rambled, but I suspect they’re talking more about out the issues with the legal system and its control by the ruling class rather than any specific mentioned in the article.
Because he represents a threat to them.
It’s literally being reported from Russian news with Russian politicians on record talking about it. The only psyops fake news here is you and your deliberate lies and misinformation.
Huh, well that’s nice of them.
I’ve lived in China. I’ve had Chinese live with me. I actually know shit without going on social media and being fed propaganda.
Name a government that’s not terrible and I’ll find you some articles showing the state being terrible.
Statism is unjust.
You know you can tune out when they mention Zenz. He is to tankies as Soros is to Republicans.
Anything negative of China is propaganda says the .ml tankie.
Gee, you wouldn’t happen to be utterly biased at all.
Anecdotal evidence means nothing, doubly so from a .ml troll.
Tradition is big. E.g TCM crap over science
You cannot disagree with the state
Stokes fear and hatred of outsiders
Blames social frustrations on those outsiders
Appeals to restore past glory
Han ethnic supremacy
You could go through all of Eco’s points and apply them to China pretty fittingly.
lol protesting. Yeah that’s going to achieve so much.
Makes sense, why do dangerous and hard work if you can support yourself in better ways.
More interested to hear if they used any of those funds to help improve their education or start a business etc.
Is looking the same as staring? Do women not notice attractive men?
There’s a respectable amount of notice one can take of another person.
Mostly first world countries are shit rather than dogshit.
Because no one’s stopped him.