27 days agoSelf host all your stuff and use tailscale if you just want to provide private services to yourself
Self host all your stuff and use tailscale if you just want to provide private services to yourself
Are there some good Canadian seed boxes?
His podcast ended and he’s worked to remove them where possible. While I don’t know if there are archives of it I can vouch for the quality of his books. They receive updates throughout the year and are step by step guides on how to lock down certain aspects of your life. Its worth purchasing.
Personally I prefer oidc as it plays a central role in my setup, but have you seen other integration issues not related to oidc?
I like how Jack Black (age 53) puts it https://youtu.be/GNJtPFXUnm4
Today I did it, I deleted my apps. No reflexive opening of reddit
In applications it was very common to use an auto incrementing number for id’s. So one account would have id of one, then the next two, etc… This can cause problems if there is an unautheticated api endpoint which returns user info given an ID value, someone could just put in all the Id’s counting up from one to find out all the records in the database. UUID’s are a way of obscuring that, making it pretty hard to enumerate all records if they cant count up in an orderly fashion. It’s also useful in distributed systems, the many instances of a running service could generate an ID value on each server instance before recording the value in the the database, there is a low chance of ID collisions.