• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • This isn’t a bad suggestion, I just have a few personal quirks to what I’m looking for. While I like the Fairbairn style and acknowledge it is better for pure combative purposes, I would personally err more on the side of utility and no-shit edge awareness if I can’t legally carry a double-edged blade.

    In addition to that, I just really want a wave feature that works. A lot of them are shit, or iffy at best, but even the shitty knock-off I bought has promise. I know it’s kind of a gimmick and still not very common, it’s just the personal hunt that I’m on because it lends a good balance of deployment speed and legal compliance.

  • No one gives a fuck about “the points”, when are you people going to figure that out? You are the ones harming people by trying to dismiss necessary behavioral changes and real advice because there are technically other factors that you can back up with OODLES OF PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES, HOW CAN YOU INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE LIKE THIS??? No one cares what you studied while knocking out gen ed requirements, get over yourself.

    You’re not in high school debate class anymore, you’re among people seeking and sharing knowledge that can be of actual use to them. If you’re gonna pretend you’re in someone’s corner and shield them from a false sense of blame, and then REFUSE to discuss actual, meaningful solutions, you are utterly worthless in spaces like this.

  • They’re cheap, so I bought one just to try it. I can confirm that it’s a cheap, Chinese made knife. The liner lock barely works, the hinge comes loose out of the box, the handles feel 3d printed, etc. And I’ve seen the Luzon, but it’s so ridiculously big and stupid looking that I’d rather just carry a Kabar at that point.

    Obviously this design is the epitome of fighting knives, but as an edc, general use, pocket knife, I believe this concept is about as good as you’re going to get for defensive use. I’m in the thrusting-over-cutting camp right now, if that wasn’t apparent. So long, plain edged blades with no stupid gimmicks or “features” to get in the way, which even Emerson Waves lack in with the disc opener and sub-4" blades (no idea why every “defense” knife is fucking 3" or shorter).