Guy has a container for trash and a pole for picking up trash. So he literally cleaned up the town.
Guy has a container for trash and a pole for picking up trash. So he literally cleaned up the town.
Farside leans towards lightly silly at times and let’s the readers make up stories deeper behind the single frame.
It’s basically making a long elaborate story about a ghost and it simply fell in these rather regular people’s bean dip.
It leaves plenty to your imagination. You can decide what is going on. Will there be more haunting? Will the just make more bean dip and carry on? Why was only the wife pointing?
Have fun with your own imagination and decide what happens next or what led to this moment.
They sort of addressed this in Deep Space 9 when Quark tries to use Kira for a high paying customer. So there’s a little story line on preventing using unwilling characters in this way.
Totally agree that there should have been a mention of giving consent earlier on. The Jordi/Dr Leah Brahms storyline does touch on how there was an abuse. Perhaps Starfleet later on added the restrictions that are seen in Deep Space 9.
My question is will Google/YouTube be able to block all ad blockers no matter what browser is used? Or will using an alternative browser circumvent it all as everyone seems to be saying it will?
I haven’t migrated away from Chrome yet, but will do so if that is the easy of a solution.
PR in a AAA company will always limit who can be interviewed. So you would still get a heavily filtered interview.
But if I was working on something and had a detailed vision of what the final product was going to be. I’d kind of resent and hate having to share that vision once a month and have fans complain about each idea and demand other options, features, redesigns of gameplay.
It would be even worse it a producer read those comments and required those changes. It would be disruptive and chaotic.
A good example of how fans of Marvel and DC Comics react to the decisions made behind the camera.
It would feel like most people hate my vision and don’t want to play it. There are already hard designs decisions happening behind the scenes with the team and even that small group won’t agree on everything.
You may want it but it would make the developers miserable and the game suffer.
Also a reference to “Man with No Name” a cowboy movie.