Ron is in the other corner sulking somewhere.
Ron is in the other corner sulking somewhere.
Zip bombs wouldn’t apply here, from what I understand to create those you’d have to start with uncompressed data. The typical example is using a bunch of zeroes as the starting point, not only is that compressible but the compression algorithm will look for redundancies in the data to increase the compression efficiency (a bunch of zeroes would have tons of redundancy).
Stackoverflow has a good discussion on it https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1459673/how-does-one-make-a-zip-bomb
If I use winrar to compress 80gb of tv and movies.
You haven’t gained anything by doing so since video is already compressed. Compressing data that is already compressed will usually make it slightly larger - or if you’re lucky maybe you’ll save like 1 megabyte space, not really anything worth the trouble.
Then can I compress it further by making it an iso?
ISO is not compression.
To view blocked instances if you’re browsing Lemmy on the desktop website go to https://lemmy.world/instances and click the “Blocked Instances” tab.
Unfortunately there no standard way to view blocked communities, I’m not sure if lemmy.world admins maintain a list somewhere.
I’ll add that the blocked stuff is good/bad depending on your point of view. e.g. some instances (including lemmy.world) participate in Fediseer which helps determine spammy intances to potentially block and keep spam out. That sort of blocking is okay, the other types of blocking I’m not too onboard with but that’s just IMO.
PS - If you’re just starting out probably best not to overthink it too much :) As you get more comfortable browsing the Fediverse you can decide later on if you want to set yourself up on another instance.
Sometimes the instance you are on will block communities or other instances that you may still want to be able to view/browse… in those cases your only solution is to create a new Lemmy account at a different instance that does not block those things.
For example you’re on lemmy.world so all your blocked instances are listed at https://lemmy.world/instances
In addition lemmy.world admins also block entire communities e.g. blocking all piracy related communities is a big one there https://lemmy.world/post/13320356
I’m not a 1Password user so there might be some specific feature I haven’t heard about, but from what I understand it works more or less the same as other online password managers
Is there a way to set it up so whatever gets saved to 1Password transfers the login info to my Google account as well?
Most likely not. The idea with password managers is that you’re using their website / browser extension / app to manage your passwords, not something else.
You technically should be able to manually export/import passwords between the two, rather than auto sync, but that would be pretty cumbersome to do all the time. It’s normally just something people do when initially setting up the password manager (e.g. maybe export your user/passwords from Chrome and then import into 1Password if 1Password has that import feature).
Or should I just download the 1P mobile app, and rely on that exclusively for passwords I need when I’m on my phone?
Yes, that’s the general idea with password mangers. You’d install their app and then you would be able to access your synced passwords through there.
Bra gun too, there was the woman that shot herself in the head while adjusting a gun in her bra
If you haven’t already visited you definitely should! I never had the chance to live there but did spend a couple of weeks visiting and it was awesome. Reykjavik, driving the ring road, all those cliffs, waterfalls, national parks, it’s all great. That was before this Lemmy bar existed otherwise I would’ve visited that too.
I’ve too wondered how feasible it would be to relocate and/or retire to Iceland but that seems pretty far off from reality.
“The U.S. will take over Freshparsnip’s apartment, and we will do a job with it, too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unsnapped mousetraps and other pest control devices at the apartment, level the apartment, and get rid of the destroyed furniture/appliances/structures. Level it out, create economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the mice of the area. Do a real job, do something different. Just can’t go back, it’s going to end up the same way Freshparsnip has had it for years.”
…So uh, I guess you are being relocated. Negotiations currently underway to determine which neighbor is forced to take you in.
That has never crossed my mind, I’m thinking heavy metal when I think about Lemmy Kilmister / Lemmy.
But I do think lemmings are cute, and that old video game was awesome, so it all sort of works for me :D
Before or after the MAGA movement called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage? Just saying, it really does take a lot for the hardcore MAGA types to actually change their minds on this stuff.
If you weren’t already prepared (see other comments) then assume every credit/debit card you had saved in your Google Wallet/Apple Pay has been stolen - That’s one reason people snatch phones while unlocked and try to keep it unlocked.
Also assume any payment apps you have installed are now compromised e.g. Venmo and similar - that’s another reason people steal unlocked phones and try to keep it unlocked.
The above assumes you did not have any additional passwords/locking in the apps themselves beyond the phone’s screen unlock - I purposely
You may be able to remote lock the phone after the fact if you get to a computer or a someone you know with a phone on them to get online and initiate a remote lock.
Maybe the pawn was given a meal made of human meat causing his mood to drop enough to lead to a mental break / fire starting spree?
Eventually got over that and is now hiding in his burning room because his clothes are tattered, poor guy :P
Think you would likely have to scour garage sales and used buy/sell sites for one of those ancient portable mp3 player devices. I remember the old iRiver devices did support FLAC natively but that was before 128GB storage existed so no idea how something like that would behave when you stick in a 128+ GB SD card into it.
The other tricky part is that something that old/used may have a worn out battery so any device with a built-in battery may not stay on for very long.
The other comment makes a good point, starting out you should focus on anything that https://www.rockbox.org/ supports since that’ll give you FLAC support. (besides the Archos, apparently it is impossible to play FLAC on those https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WhyRockbox.html).
Ah possibly. My first impression was that the board of directors was finally done with this guy’s shenanigans, but then again they stuck it out this long so it’s probably something else that finally got the board to cut him loose as you say.
Good riddance, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he heads over to the White House and gets selected as an appointee in the current administration.
Have you ruled out the Google Pixel USB-C earbuds? Those work well for me and the design is nice and simple. I’ll probably keep using them until they break one day (like you also have mixed feelings about bluetooth).
Remember seeing that Google was going to phase them out eventually but they still seem to sell them at least for now.
Should be okay as long as you didn’t give the instance any of your other information (e.g. email during signup, etc.) and the Lemmy instance itself allows logins via Tor. You may also want to avoid instances using Cloudflare, it often blocks Tor connections so loading pages can be hit-or-miss.
Just saying it’s okay for basic privacy, you’d likely need a different solution if you’re actually being targeted by governments/organizations/etc with access to your ISPs and ability to backdoor your equipment.
OTOH if you’re already on a VPN I don’t think you need to go through the trouble of adding Tor to that mix.
(I’m on Tor right now)
What if I logged into my Lemmy account outside of Tor without a VPN one single time?
Strictly speaking that means your Lemmy account is now compromised, time to go create a new one over VPN or Tor or however you prefer to browse.
I’ve definitely re-watched old Adult Swim stuff. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021 in particular. (I need to include Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law in that mix)
“This isn’t the ring you’re looking for.”
Gandalf, probably