I could be mistaken but didn’t Ralph say that to Casey Jones?
I could be mistaken but didn’t Ralph say that to Casey Jones?
That’s kinda sad but true. Fun fact though, you get to choose your friends. If any of mine reacted like that I’d stop hanging out with them. It’s imperative you have a solid social circle who is gonna help and raise you up. If the toxic masculinity bros wanna hate on being human and having feelings they can fuck off and they’re not invited to my party. Only cool people are allowed.
The golden days of the net 🥲
All I ever wanted
I mean a hoodie and sweat pants and I’m good in those temperatures. I find it easier to warm up than to cool off.
I think it’s a joke posing as propaganda. If you read the fine print at the bottom you’ll see what I mean.
She was a very bad manager and always quick to make the customer happy. I ended up leaving shortly after that incident.
This is one of my favorite stories. I only observed the events or was told firsthand by those involved. This is a true story.
Working in a crappy thrift store chain. Coworkers are cool as shit though. Befriend all the ones remotely close to my age. Customers are still terrible though. Especially the ones with the shitty kids that just terrorize the store while they absent-mindedly browse and shop.
One day this little shit is just running around the store and just making extra work for everybody for no good reason. Opening sealed bags of random toys. Etc.
After finally having enough of his bullshit, a coworker friend goes over to the kid and tells him, very sternly, he needs to go back to his mom. Little shit runs back and complains to his mom whom happens to be a total bitch; like when I hear the term “Karen” being used, she’s a textbook example of one.
Karen escalates, fast forward to outside the managers office, there stands Karen, my Friend, Manager and Little Shit.
While Karen is bitching to the Manager about how “Friend can’t talk to her kid like that” & “he’s not his father,” etc. The Little Shit looks at Friend and with a taunting edge stated: "You’re gonna get fired!" Without missing a beat Friend looks Little Shit in the eye and replies with a simple Fuck You. A 34 year old man saying that to some 10 year old brat? Hilarious. Everybody just fell silent with their jaw on the ground. Karen, Manager and Little Shit all silent for a moment. The rage building in Karen was written all across her face though. When she could finally utter words Manager started with "Friend, go home." “Okay!” He left with a great big smile on his face… he did get fired because of that though. He said it was worth it.
Egads, I long for those days.
Shoot em up should be on that list imo
Going in completely dark like that can be so damn good. That was how I watched From Dusk till Dawn for the first time. Also Barbarian another great one to go in totally blind.
Oh I’m sorry, I thought you were into history.
Lol definitely me in middle school and onward. Never got in trouble for it though which was neat after reading through this thread.
I’ve been saying this for years. It’s ideal for a series. Was terribly disappointed with that zombie movie that borrowed the name.
… are you me? What this guy said is also my answer.
Don’t misquote him. He said "worse day of my life"
The man is dying! Let him have his street walkers.
I get what you mean… but I don’t think anybody is really gonna get that obsessive over your porn history in the wake of your death. Some random stranger who acquires any of your surviving electronics might find it but at that point who cares?.. and even if your friends and family find out you’re into weird sex stuff, if you’re already dead, who cares? Making em laugh one last time would be worth it in a time of grief.
What other people think about me is none of my business.
The tutorial?
Another HR meeting at 9 :(