How does it compare to hyprland in it’s current state regarding stability, features and support?
How does it compare to hyprland in it’s current state regarding stability, features and support?
Noch nie gehört den Witz, danke Hans-Jürgen.
Du beziehst dich scheinbar nur auf den Umweltaspekt. Den meisten Veganer*innen gehts aber um Tierleid, und das erzeugt bzw. unterstützt leider jeder, der Tierprodukte konsumiert.
wollen viele Menschen aber nicht
die Tiere wollen auch nicht sterben, juckt halt nur keinen.
You felt the need to tell us that it’s „far superior“, but won’t even mention a single argument.
While there may be a way to upgrade, general consensus is that it’s not possible and you should reinstall.
If you’re somewhat tech savvy, don’t have anything against the high seas and absolutely need Windows, look into Windows 10 LTSC.
This is not Apple Pay for customers we are talking about. This is a feature for merchants so they can receive money on their iPhone from customers without requiring extra hardware like a card reader.
Wenn die Spiele aber nur starten, wenn sie eine Verbindung zu Steam haben (bzw. die Verbindung von Steam abgesegnet werden muss), bringt es dir doch nix, wenn du einen Snapshot mit den Executables aufm NAS rumfliegen hast, oder?
Road work ahead? Yeah, I sure hope it does.
Probably because there is absolutely nothing new to announce except the upgraded processor and support for the Apple Pencil Pro.
What forced obsolescence are you talking about? The mini 2 is an 11 year old device that received feature updates for 6 years and security updates for 10 years. Seems fair to me and is probably more than most Android tablets would give you.
Was bashen die hippen Kids denn heutzutage?
Wenn Schach heute erfunden worden wäre, gäbs nur die Hälfte an Spielfiguren, den Rest gibts dann mit und mit als DLC.
Distrobox is probably what you’re looking for.
I tried Bazzite a few months ago and replaced it with a non-immutable distro in the same day because I couldn’t get my password manager (1Password) to work with Firefox.
The installation of 1Password was kind of a hassle as there is no official way to install it systemwide on an immutable distro, so I followed an unofficial tutorial. That worked somehow, but then came the integration into Firefox. For this to work, you have to install firefox as a native package, too, so you have to layer it through ostree.
But here comes the issue: The original Silverblue does already include native Firefox, and Bazzite removed it and replaced it with a flatpak. I have googled a lot and haven’t found an answer yet on how to layer a package that was removed in a previous layer. I’m not sure if it’s even possible, but the complete lack of documentation for such a trivial thing really turned me away from immutable distros. When I had an issue on Arch, I would find the answer in the ArchWiki 95% of the time, but here I couldn’t even find a proper documentation for how the layering works.
This on top of other issues like not being able to get Autocomplete/Intellisense working in VSCode because I can’t properly install the required compilers and libraries made me turn back to Arch in a single day. Maybe it’s just my mindset that’s a bit stuck on how to do things the “old” way, but if I have to spent hours to get even a basic workflow going for me, then I guess I’m not yet ready for immutable distros.
They are still considered essential in German schools.
I got basic steel and coal power up and running. Started in the Northern Forest this time, but I got annoyed pretty fast with the lack of flat space to build. So I moved my HUB to the Grass fields because I haven’t build there in a long time and it’s actually really beautiful. Currently building my base around the HUB and will move to advanced steel soon.
Oh, and I also rushed the collection of mercer spheres because the Dimensional Depot is absolutely amazing!
Now that iPhones have RCS messaging, is something like this still desired? Can’t everyone just use RCS instead (assuming that everyone has a somewhat modern phone/OS that supports RCS). Or am I not seeing something here?