debian? No. BSD? Maybe.
debian? No. BSD? Maybe.
This is probably what I’ll end up doing, but then all the movies / tv / audio menus in kodi are just wasted space
My experience with kodi is that it’s over complicated, and not as robust as jellyfin. I would constantly nav into the wrong menu and the ui is clunky
Literally founded by slave owners
Watch the “regulation” magically come back as Uber & Lyft lobby our politicians to consider alternatives as “unsafe”
I just don’t trust anything written in java (i2p)
One of my favorite quotes
Came here to say this
Martin Luther has entered the chat
How do I download something from streamable?
I find this unlikely
Not everyone has gone to jail, but if the govt has your fingerprints it’s easier to get convicted regardless of your innocence.
Clear Blue is like this, but they use your iris scan. You have to scan every time to skip the line. But the TSA precheck just fingerprints you once when you sign up IIRC
e.g. Period tracking apps being used as evidence when prosecuting people who seek abortions
A lot of people have just accepted surviellance for convienience.
People close to me get TSA precheck even though it requires fingerprinting, because “the government already has your fingerprints”
But if they did, why would they need to ask your for them?
People I talk to find it useful for front-end development
Current: Asus zenfone 9 favorite: Nextbit Robin
such a perfect phone for the price. Wish they made something like it now
Now this is a genuine shower thought
A lot of people think it means total chaos, but it really just means an opposition to hierarchy.
People living comfortable lives will rationalize any critique of the system away, even if that comfort is built upon emiseration and exploitation.