• 2 Posts
Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2025


  • I guess I’m the odd one out then. I’m a huge Sci-Fi fan. Ender’s Game still stands as my favorite book after all these years. But I’m not too crazy about fantasy. I’ve bounced off of books, shows, and movies that my friends and family loved. They just seemed to be mediocre stories with fantasy paint on it and people who like Wizards were able to gloss over the holes.

    It’s not unheard of for people to not be interested in the other genre. But those people are outnumbered by consumers who just want the new thing.

  • First, I’m not religious. So I don’t have some sort of “moral” opposition to homosexuality. Follow laws, pay your taxes and have at the “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

    I’m sorry that a bunch of Christian radicals have soured your idea of a political thought process that valued personal freedoms and lowered governmental interference in its citizens lives. Marriage isn’t something the government should be involved in the first place. The government shouldn’t have a voice in whether or not people get divorced.

    Fiscal responsibility, lowered government involvement with citizens day-to-day lives, and a focus on supporting your own citizenry in your own infrastructure are not things that care about who you love, what gender you identify as, or what sort of religion or not you want to practice. These things were added after the fact.