How DARE you!? I would never satirize Marxist-Leninist positions to raise awareness of problems with the Soviet Union and promote anarchism as a viable alternative. Because anarchists are all stinky!
Because neutrality is oppression.
What a bad book
Depends. Is it plant cheese or breast cheese? Eating breast cheese is perverted.
He’s a Trump fan
Is Dayna one of those people who was abused by a disabled person and proceeds to hate all people with that disability because rather than accepting the ugly truth that her abuser chose to do those things, she sought to rationalise her abuse with a convenient narrative about the disability causing the abuse?
But Sauron doesn’t need to have the ring to draw power from it. Even without knowing where the ring is, he’ll conquer Middle Earth unless it’s destroyed.
I would never create an account to troll Marxist-Leninists with ridiculous extrapolations of their own claims
It’s okay because Daddy Stalin was a shitposter just like me
No idea, I don’t believe in making up strawmen based on pop culture perceptions of disabilities.
I’m not a troll, I’m a 100% serious and proud Marxist-Leninist. And I think there was nothing wrong with Stalin selling lumber and steel to Nazi Germany in the 1930s to make weapons with. Because I’m a real communist!
University students lead the Hungarian Revolution, and history doesn’t remember them fondly. They rebelled against the Soviet Union, which makes them Nazis. It’s a good thing our dear leader Stalin sent the tanks in to kill those students.
I prefer the autist’s prayer tbh
Understanding the building blocks of life is very important. This is the foundation of how your body processes energy. If you want to lose weight, for example, you should understand respiration.
Mitochondria are cool and important.
They can have our business back after they fire their CEO