Fucking insane - I hope we can find a way to switch to Ranked Choice Voting and overturn Citizens United.
Fucking insane - I hope we can find a way to switch to Ranked Choice Voting and overturn Citizens United.
Sure! It has been a couple years since my last build, but I found a lot of great information on a website called endless-sphere. I also only use a battery supplier called EM3EV - they fuse each cell and generally have great quality packs. Bikes-direct also has quality bike platforms for builds, including fat tire bikes.
A former mentor of mine, and I found it rather compelling the more I reflected on the implications.
An Indigogo electric bike campaign… 10 years ago. It was a scam and I lost a lot of money. Subsequently I have built 5 e-bikes on my own and do not regret it, they are wonderful. But, no crowd-funding for me, ever again. Also, I am anti pre-ordering anything in general.
Never tie your identity to something that can be taken away. Re: job title, salary, perceived status. Your self perceived identity should have a much more stable foundation.
War on drugs certainly is not the answer to problem. Education & harm reduction, decriminalization, and supply-side testing (re: no accidental fent in your coke) would be a welcomed cultural shift forward. Prohibition will only continue to dig us deeper with folks in prison, murder, and underground trafficking schemes.
Very pleasant vibe - nice work.
Sorry that happened to you (regardless of head or hand).
“Hitch-22, A Memoir” -Christopher Hitchens
I re-listen to it once a year. R.I.P. Hitch.
Fair point and I understand it. I simply meant that it is another data point that moves my emotions when I think about dogs general experience, like this comic highlights. Maybe too esoteric of a share lol.
I read somewhere that on average 1 day of our life equates to 1 week for our beloved pups. I think of this everytime I’m feeling too lazy to engage with mine.
The spotty pastel halo around her head is gorgeous.
Original motivation for Jaimie Lannister? Lol.
Connect has been perfect for over 8 months so far! YMMV.
I dig this, very pleasant style and subject.
Lol, that’s fucking great!