Viel Diskussionen um das Thema im Moment in der Politik. Natürlich schön, nach dem das Armeebudget erhöht wurde, ohne dass die Armee überhaupt weiss, was mit dem Geld machen.
Hoffentlich wie in den letzten paar Malen wird das an der Urne abgelehnt, weil Leute erstaunlicherweise keine Freude haben, wenn Sozialbeiträge gestrichen werden. ist auch ein guter Artikel zu dem Thema
Für Navi funktioniert das super. Das einzige, für das ich noch keine gute Alternative gefunden hab (wie im Artikel erwähnt), ist Restaurants in der nähe zu finden, mit Bewertungen, Fotos, Öffnungszeiten. Vor allem beim reisen. In OSM/OrganicMaps findet man da vieles nicht, und wenn dann nur Name/Adresse.
Falls da wer ne gute Alternative kennt wär das super.
It’s not economical to grow. It has very specific requirements in terms of wet soil and not too much sun, it has pretty low yields in terms of weight/area, compared to other crops. and since it isn’t grown commercially, you also dont have optimized farming techniques and breeds etc.
and since it’s quite common in the wild, well, if the price is too high, you’d just go and collect some yourself. Wild garlic products in supermarkets are already too expensive for me and i’d rather spend half an hour filling a bag with 2kg than buying 50g for 5 bucks.
It’s not just the use itself, but also how irresponsibly it is produced. Exposing pregnant workers to high levels, dumping it in community water supplies, on farmland etc.
Also the EU did ban them last september (effective in 2026) for essentially all of the uses you outlined, most of which I dont think are such a big deal and just minor inconveniences. It’s not like the 60s were terrible in terms of living conditions.
We also used to use asbestos for a lot of the uses you outlined and we got rid of that without too much inconvenience, but you could have made similar arguments about it back then.
And any reduction is a good thing, it’s not an all or nothing thing. DDT was banned, but can and is still used where there’s no better alternative. And just categorically saying any alternative must be just as bad is just a non-sequitur, there’s no reason that should be true. Cookware is a good example, cast iron works just as well, is not as bad, the only downside compared to teflon is weight. But it’s not like sending us back to the stone age or anything…
The newest generation of xps i shit anyways, good riddance.
i was really happy with my 2019ish xps. But the 2024 one is hot garbage. not just that it arrived with the keyboard not working and Dell taking 3 months to replace it. There’s a total of 2 usb-c ports on it. That’s all the connectors, yes. No, no headphone jack either. And one of those two is taken up with charging, so i’m left with one port if i dont use a dockingstation.
the whole function bar is touch now. you need to hit it 3 times for it to react, who needs Esc anyways. Unless you want to type in the number row, then the function row will pick up random key presses sometimes.
Copilot key no one asked for. Power button is just an unlabelled piece of plastic that looks like filler, not a button. Keyboard sucks in general, too little space between keys, you’re bound to mistype.
linux support is ok, though webcam doesn’t work in firefox, hibernate doesn’t work, every few weeks it’ll just freeze. But otherwise acceptable.
definitely my last dell, i really hate it.
[Edit] Oh and I forgot the best part, when the dell repairman finally repaired it after 3 months, he said “oh a new XPS? Yeah, those suck, every customer hates them especially for software development”
Also useful in this regard, python comes with a sìmple file server built in, python -m http.server --directory /dir/
would serve /dir/ on port 8000.
Nur, dass die Arschlöcher das ab und zu in Menschenmengen/zu anderen Leuten schiessen. Das würde ich dann nicht selbstverschuldet nennen.
not sure i agree with that. I mean ok, i recently had three interviews for a company where each interviewer asked me almost the same questions. That was clearly a waste.
At my place, we do a 30min introductory call with the boss first, to quickly weed out unfit candidates and not waste employee and interviewee time with interviews. if that’s ok, then there’s three interviews of 45-60 minutes, one with the product owner that focuses on soft skills and team fit, one with the team your applying to and one with the other team (like frontend or backend) with more technical things, and also just if you’d like to work with this person.
no amount of interviewing will ever guarantee that things work out and unfit people can slip through cracks. And i hate wasting time in tons of interviews. But i’d also not want to work at a place where i know my coworkers were hired after just 1 hour quick chatting. That so little time to get an idea of a person, to spot any red flags. Heck, the ‘tell me a bit about yourself’ section of an interview is already 15 minutes and not usually very helpful.
What sucks the most about rust is that 90% of rust jobs are some crypto bullshit. I love the language, but finding normal jobs is near impossible.
At the same time, i could find 20 Go positions but Go just isn’t exciting. It’s the new java imo, working with it probably good for job security, but i just don’t see myself working in Go in the future as a main language.
Or how about we just collect 100k signatures and force a national vote on the topic, following the normal political process. no need to get violent…
NG+, take away their money and have them start over again, but without help from their rich parents or with the odds stacked against them somehow.
Idk, i recently stumbled on his stand-up comedy from the 90s and that was already pretty borderline and cringe. At least to me it looked like jre today is a pretty natural evolution of that.
One question that’d be interesting to know the answer to is where it ends up at. I could imagine microplastics from the garbage island mostly staying around the island, whereas ones from tires will end up all over the environment.
That part of the ocean circulation is on track to stop in the next 50 years anyways, so might as well get a chile bridge out of it?
Well, kinda hard to order when there’s no internet, so thanks china?
I’m super happy with Kagi search. Even the AI summary is quite good as it’s based on the search results, not just made up from training data. Of course, it’s still a stupid LLM, so double check everthing. But i find it quite useful to get a grasp on the overall content of the results.
And search itself works well, haven’t had a moment where it was worse than one of the big providers. The dedicated forum, programming and other serchas are cool and i love being able to adjust the priority of pages or even blacklist them.
In der Schweiz ist so gut wie alles bargeldlos mittlerweile. Berghütte auf 3000m, Bauernhof Selbstbedienungsladen, die eine kleine Tierpension usw.
Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt hatten die Glühweinstände sogar schon grosse “kein Bargeld” Schilder. Immerhin kann man sonst an den meisten Orten noch bar zahlen.
Why not link to the original?
tbh, for european standards, that still sounds pretty bad.
for examle here: 45 hour work week, sunday labor is generally banned, with 6 sundays/year being the limit and having to be paid 50% extra for that work, plus being required to compensate for that day by taking an extra day off the following week. Overtime 2 hour/day, 170 hours/year, 25% extra pay or compensate by taking off same amount of time. Of course there’s also exceptions, same as everywhere.
and this is still relatively bad compared to e.g. france with its 35 hour work week.