Within seconds I recognized one of the women, I need to go get help.
Within seconds I recognized one of the women, I need to go get help.
We’re off to button moon!
I couldn’t really tell you about which hardware to get, but its worth considering a 35w CPU as this machine will be on all the time. Also adding a network card, having more bandwidth is really handy for a NAS
Its crazy, I can’t get my head around the British public expecting Labor to have fixed all; tax loopholes, the economy, the housing crises, the cost of living crises, Brexit, local councils, taking services back out of private hands,
All within the first year. I’m sure we used to be more reasonable with our expectations.
Well, they’ve closed the none-dom loophole and are working on the farmland inheritance dodge. I’m not a Labor fan but they’re actually fixing the system this time.
I had genuinely forgot about Freakazoid, thanks for the memory back fren
Glad I’m not the only one.
I adored season 1, couldn’t get into season 2, no matter how hard I tried.
More of the cyberpunk cities would have been right up my alley.
Well no one is going to die, but the twisted pairs will loosen over time, any external tech doing work isn’t going to leave them that tidy, and electrical interference could be an issue.
Perfection? Surely it’s not good removing that much sleeve from the cable?
It’s like you know me.