Loops appears to be the one for that space but from what I understand they still have a lot of development to do before it’s ready for general users.
I’m just a nerd. I’m an unbelievably amateur novelist and I’m a lover of the greatest game on earth, baseball. Go Giants, Eff the Dodgers and such.
Loops appears to be the one for that space but from what I understand they still have a lot of development to do before it’s ready for general users.
Yup. I have to take twelve medications daily to keep me from dying. Retail price for all of them would be about $15k a month. Once that goes away, I go away. Now I have to face the idea of sitting down with my wife and planning what she’ll do when I die.
No one in this day and age should have to do that. I’m 42…
I will forever shout it from the rooftops. Monopoly is a 30 minute game, regardless of how many players you have. If you play by the actual rules, and none of the house rules you’ve made up for yourself, it’s really quick and really fun. No families need to be shattered over the game. No friendships lost. Just play by the actual rules!
Sadly, Mastodon had its shot during the pandemic and blew it. The non-tech savvy didn’t understand how federation worked and they marketed themselves very poorly.
What We Leave Behind…
This makes a lot of sense, and why I’d never survive in Canada.
If this is true, we get Kira in skin-tight leather. So, it’s not all bad.
You’ve ruined my afternoon and sharing it with my wife, I’ve ruined hers too. Great stuff.
Blank tapes?
Man, after the last decade, just let us have this for a little while.
As someone with a wife from Wisconsin, it’s highly effective.
It depends on your timetable. Right after it’s consumed? Of course not, we’re American. Does it shorten our lifespan significantly to the point of heart attacks in your mid to late 40s? Absolutely.
Unfortunately, they were also recently acquired by Canva. It may be all right for the time being, but I wouldn’t throw my full weight behind them anymore.
No problem, friend. I have time for both.
Hyper-vigilance rarely leaves you without anything to do. So, there’s a plus. My therapist would be very proud of my re-framing.
Having no knowledge of chess really at all, I’m like 60% sure all those words are made up and it’s just a giant gag the chess community uses to confuse people. They must have some random chess generator that spits out random gibberish that sounds impressive.
Okay, can someone explain to me why states with capital punishment don’t just inject someone with a bunch of morphine and they just go to sleep and never wake up again? I hear all the time about the horrific shit they inject into people and the horrible deaths they suffer, while one easy drug can execute the person with no fuss? I just don’t understand.
Seriously no idea at all. My wife, who doesn’t generally care for music at all was very well acquainted with it. It was just one of those one-in-a-million things just seemed to happen.
Semi-relevant story time!
A couple weeks ago I was watching a favorite Youtuber, 12Tone, deconstructing a song I wasn’t aware of. During the intro he made a joke about trying to explain the song, then stopped, saying everyone already knew what the song was. I had no idea at all. So I went and listened to the song and looked up a bit more about it.
Due to some weird convergence of chance and Matrix-esque internet dodging that I didn’t know I was doing, I somehow missed out on the phenomenon that was Mr. Brightside.
It’s a really good song and I had the fortune to be one of that day’s lucky 10,000.
A direct hop is usually not the best way to move into the Linux world. The best way I’ve heard (and wished I did myself) is slowly start migrating to programs that will be available and you’ll be using, while still on Windows. Get used to how new things work and if an emergency comes up, you can fall back to your tried and true tools. Then, just keep migrating apps until most of what you use is open source stuff, or stuff widely available. (Spotify, Discord, Zoom, etc.) Once you have your workflow worked out, you’ve found substitutes for things you can’t get on Linux, then is a good time to take the plunge.
Going cold turkey is going to be really rough. I had Fedora on a side piece laptop for years before my first try on my workstation and it was a disaster. Less than a week later I had to go back to Windows. But, now I’m familiar with the tools I use and I’ve been a full convert for a few months now and it’s been great.
You can do it! Just…take it slow.