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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Smart thing would be to completely agree with Trump. Get $100T in military might, defeat Russia, get call from US about new rare earth metals, and then just be like “I’m sorry, who dis?”

    I mean what are they going to do, invade Ukraine? Didn’t you hear, they got $100T in military supplies to back them up.

    Trump always forgetting that some of this shit don’t ROI till way longer than he’ll be around. If Ukraine has any sense, they’ll send a giant gold plate W for Trump’s win, if he promises tanks and planes. They keep saying the wars ongoing for the next fifty years for all it matters. And if the US wants that metal upfront be like, “Yeah y’all come on in and mine it yourselves, don’t let us get in your way.” Then oops, sorry we bombed that, thought it was Russia.

    Like Trump thinking he’s walking with some massive upset and it’s just Ukraine court to play ball how they want. Shit yeah Ukraine “agrees” to whatever.

  • The thing is, Canada has been moving to slow down reliance on US trade for some time now. Y’all remember a pipeline that was supposed to be built but didn’t? Yeah, Canada still remembers that. The US has, in general, become a less reliable trade partner since early 2000s and Canada has been working on the exits for some time now.

    In 2023, Canada had a 19.1% contraction of energy products to the United States. That’s about $40B CAD they took a pass on. Trump wasn’t in office then. This, which should be unsurprising to anyone, has been a thing that’s been going on for much longer than Trump. Same deal with Mexico and for that matter the entire world.

    South America, the US used to be an absolute juggernaut there in 1999. Today, we’re barely on par with China’s imports into South America in only five countries in South America. The other countries in South America are mostly dominated by Chinese imports. In just twenty-five years we’ve had a massive erosion of trade into South America, that no four year President is going to fix.

    The thing is, there’s a clear trend that the United States is going to be in a very different position 75 years from now, than it was in 75 years ago. World War II was a one time deal and the effects of it are slowly ebbing away, that’s just expected.

    Now yes, there’s going to be leaders like Trump who throw tantrums along the way. Some of those are just for show. Like this recent one. I hear Republicans talk like “Mexico CAVED!!” And the reality is they just agreed to the exact same terms and conditions they agreed to back in 2019. This was always what was going to happen, but Trump being Trump he makes a show of it.

    USMCA is due up for new terms next year. Pretty sure this whole fit Trump is throwing is going to be assuaged by “agreeing” to terms to the new USMCA that Canada was always going to agree to. Again, the vast majority of this is just show and both Canada and Mexico know to play along till they’ve hit the exit fully.

    And like the deal being talked here in this article. This whole thing started back in March of last year. And this whole process goes further back. This isn’t some backroom deal Canada signed with Ecuador to say “fuck America”, but main stream media will act like it was. Because it’s fun to keep the poors frothy and eyes off the 1% fleecing us.

    The overall trend is from now to 2100, the United States will become more normalized on the international trading markets. It will cease having it’s ridiculous outsized position it’s enjoyed since days of when most of Europe was razed by one crazy guy Elon adores. There’s going to be some who bemoan that fact of life, some who might outright reject it altogether, but eventually it’ll be as immutable as the sun setting in the west (till the Professor from Planet Express causes us to start rotating the other way).

    We in the United States are likely to have more tantrums happen, like the one we are seeing, as we continue. That’s just what some are bound to do as we continue down that road of time. And they’re likely going to put on pageantries while they do it. Again this recent Mexico/Canada spat from Trump is a great example of doing the usual dog and pony show Trump is known for.

  • The original MOC image can be found here. This image in the post is like the very top of that strip of images.

    What we’re seeing here is our brains playing tricks on us. The “top” of the square is just wind swept edge of the crater that’s being imaged. The shadowy line going from the “top” corner to the bottom right corner isn’t even in the original image, it’s an artifact that’s cropped up from the image being transmitted over and over and over again on the internet. Same with our line from the “top corner” to the left corner.

    The bottom corner is just some rocks that happen to be in the image as well. You can literally see they are different than the wind swept hills of the crater. I hate that people lack the ability for critical thinking skills. Especially when all of this can be confirmed by a two second Google search.

  • Wow what a fucking ghoul. Like there are so few words here that this pile of human garbage deserves and every single one of them is vastly underselling the sheer level of malice this poor excuse for humanity is owed. What an incredibly new low for this failure of evolution to hit and it’s painful to know that we’re still lightyears from the bottom this sack of shit can reach. Wow, I think at this point I wouldn’t be surprised for him to take a literal shit on the grave site of these people.

  • Distrowatch doesn’t research anything and cries foul without second thought because Meta is evil

    But it’s not Distrowatch’s job to verify an opaque censorship process. Meta is the one who created their filters and their filters are not open for public review. So it is entirely incumbent for Meta to handle the matter.

    Distrowatch is correct to cry foul because that’s literally all they can do. It’s not like they can suggest a patch on github or something.

    We have to remember that black box logic is wholly owned by the author of the logic. If it ain’t working, then yeah, cry foul, there’s no additional research to be done. That’s literally the entire point of obfuscating logic in a service, to ensure that nobody else can review the internals.

    Meta was completely in the wrong. Distrowatch called them out on their fuckery. That is exactly how the system is supposed to work when a company blackboxes their shit.

    Facebook support (person making around $3.5 per month in some third world country) doesn’t know difference between specific Linux distro and Linux itself, tells Distrowatch that Linux is now banned

    Very likely. Run a shit company, get shit results. Distrowatch running with “Linux is now banned on Facebook” is not a result of lack of research, it’s the result of a company that just gave up on giving a fuck.

    Our standards for companies have really fucking eroded over time and boy oh boy do CEOs eat that shit up. Meta has a systemic failure on-going in their company to which the C-Staff do NOT care one bit about. This episode is a manifestation of those failures. Meta has to up their fucking game here.

    This notion that Distrowatch should have… That’s like saying someone who cut their mouth on glass in their McDonald’s burger is to blame for not first checking their burger for glass. The glass shouldn’t fucking be there in the first place. Customers have a reasonable expectation that a company isn’t a dumpster fire and it isn’t incumbent on the customers to ensure they aren’t stepping into a goddamn disaster zone.

    I just really need people to understand, we have got to upper our expectations of companies. Because every time we let something like “oh well Distrowatch should have known they were talking to a complete moron”, we are letting these asshats who are currently enriching themselves on the United State’s taxpayer’s dime, get away with it.

    Meta was fucking up badly and Distrowatch was letting everyone know in medias res how Meta was fucking up. This is 100% Meta fucked up. Don’t want $3.50/mo employees giving shit answers? Likely a good way for Meta to solve that is to NOT have fucking $3.50/month employees. It’s a pretty clear strategy for them to consider. Till then, they’re likely going to be handing out bullshit answers that contain no sense of logic and we ought to fucking call them out on it.

    We live in everyone is dumb timeline

    I’m not going to have this, “well people should have known better.” We ought not excuse Meta for this monumental fuck up. This is theirs to own. Everyone cannot randomly research every line of bullshit that’s pandered off by companies. There is just no time for that non-sense. If Distrowatch says “Meta told us Linux is banned” and provides the email to back it up, then until Meta says otherwise, that should be taken as the gospel of the company. If Meta thinks that it shouldn’t have gone the way it went, then Meta needs to fix their fucking hiring policies.

    WE HAVE GOT TO STOP EXCUSING THESE PEOPLE. They are NOT going to act better if we give them even a single centimeter.

    I get what you are saying, but this isn’t Distrowatch’s thing to reevaluate how stories hit the front page. Meta fucked up every step of the way. And for a company that’s pulling down a seven digit multiple value to what Distrowatch pulls in a year. Meta can fucking figure it out because they have access to a ten million fold more resources.

    That’s just my two cents on this explanation.

  • The firing on the 21st was the Aviation Security Advisory Committee. Which is plane hijackings and bombings. But Musk did “friendly” pressure the Michael Whitaker to step down. Mostly because Musk was still upset about being grounded because his rocket broke up over some Caribbean Islands.

    So no direct effect, but all the recent firings in the FAA are likely to have had knock on effects, that might have led to this. DC is a crazy busy airport. Maybe this was bound to happen. But there’s always the current chaos going on that Trump is making that’s just adding to the pile.

    I’m not going to put direct blame on the President but I’m totally going to go with, fucking around with agencies have effects, it affects people who need to put 1,000% of themselves into their job. The President seriously needs to get a fucking handle on this upheaval he’s causing. These people need to go back to giving their undivided attention to their job. Otherwise more people are likely to die.

  • I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before.

    Wow, nothing says freedom of speech like telling folks to not expect it if they become a citizen. Like typically you put on your best on for guest, but I guess the United States is now at the “get the fuck out” stage of encouraging young engineers to the country.

    …Except if you’re willing to be subjected to a work visa.

    I mean it’s honestly telling everyone who we really are here. We don’t want you unless you’re willing to be a wage slave. I mean President is free to do that, but damn that’s really sending a message there.

  • Handed down by U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Case is filed before DDC as 1:25-cv-00239 Brief and prayer for relief here. The official order isn’t even up yet, this whole thing is moving at light speed. Parties are to file before the Court Feb. 3 no later than 11 am EST.

    UPDATE: Here’s doc13 from the DDC with the order. I knew they’d get it out tonight, it just takes time to get that physically banged into the system.

    ALSO PART OF THE SAME UPDATE: Word is that the NSF Director, Sethuraman Panchanathan, is telling folks to just ignore the Judge. Hmm… Anyone want to ask any of the Judges on the DDC about contempt charges? But in all fairness likely guy just wants Sauron’s gaze off his back. I’m pretty sure EOP staff close to Trump are frothing over the chance to rip NSF into tiny shreds of paper.

    Presumptive OMB Director Russ Vought is hot to test out his take on the 1974 Impoundment Control Act, which has been that the law in full is unconstitutional. I figure this is their first step towards getting the law in front of SCOTUS. They are absolutely itching to push on how the current court feels about “power of the purse”. And like I said, Vought has kept no secrets. He absolutely believes that Congress can write checks, but the President can pick when to cash them or not, as an intended check on “the relentless spending by Congress.”

    This guy is literally gunning for some Congressional power. Let’s see how well that plays out. For all we know, the cucks in Congress will let Trump’s OMB do it.

  • this means deepseek is based on an openai model?

    It doesn’t sound like it is. It sounds more like it’s hallucinating which DeepSeeks has a really light end fine-tuning. But who knows? While their stuff is Open Source, no one has yet to test it and see if they can reproduce the results DeepSeek got. For all we know this is just a Chinese con or the real deal. But not knowing how you landed into this point of the conversation it comes off as a context aware hallucination.

    It knows about openai and it being a LLM but it’s mixed up self identity in specific with identity in general. That is it is start to confuse LLMs and ChatGPT as meaning the same thing and then trying to wire back this bad assumption to make sense again.

    Again, who really knows at this point? It’s too new and it being in China, there’s likely no way to verify these people’s claims until someone can take what they’ve published and made a similar LLM.

  • Copenhagen-hosted DistroWatch says it has tried to appeal against the Community Standards-triggered ban. However, they say that a Facebook representative said that Linux topics would remain on the cybersecurity filter.

    Nope, this one isn’t ignorance, it’s actual malice. They fully intended to start blocking Linux topics.

    When you take this and pair it with what Larry Ellison just recently said:

    AI will ensure “citizens will be on their best behavior”

    There tends to be a pattern forming that I really don’t want to draw because I like tinfoil on my head.