• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don’t have first hand knowledge. I’ve heard the printed manuals are not great but that their online versions are good.

    I’ve generally preferred buying the manufacturer’s manual even though they’re relatively expensive. Honda’s manuals and their Common Service manual in particular were excellent. KTM’s is just okay, disappointing after coming from Honda’s and BMW’s manuals, at least it gets the wiring diagram and torque specs right.

    I’ve had mixed experience with Haynes and Clymer. They’re better than nothing but the photos are not so good, they rarely cover differences between years, and make a lot of assumptions.

  • I hear you. Taking the course again isn’t a bad idea, skills you don’t practice don’t get ingrained and those that are get rusty.

    As far as confidence, I’ll let you in on a secret… I feel a little anxious before almost every ride and I’ve been riding since the 1980’s. I have a routine of safety checking the bike and my gear before each ride that settles me, it doesn’t take long. More than once I’ve cut short a solo ride or bailed out on a group because I wasn’t focused or feeling it (rule #1, ride your own ride). I wouldn’t worry about it.

  • First was a Novation CAT 110/300 baud with acoustic coupler. Later I got a Practical Peripherals 1200, then a Zoom Telephonics 2400/9600. Then I bought a US Robotics Courier HST, it cost a ridiculous amount at the time. A few years later was working and I mailed it and an actual check to USR and they swapped it for a Courier vEverything (with the 20Mhz DSP). I still have that modem and a newer vEverything I salvaged.


  • I don’t back up anything I can rebuild. I have multiple half-assed methods in use together for the rest of it:

    • Backups daily of homedirs on desktops and laptops using Borg and Vorta to external usb drives. These devices get rotated out annually. I used to run 2-disk RAID1 and when I rotated the disks out, split them and sent them to family but now I’m taking my chances on having them local and putting them in a fireproof box.
    • Code repos are synced to github or srht.
    • Monthly backups of homedirs are sent via borg to rsync.net.
    • Desktop and laptop homedirs get periodic (roughly monthly) burns to Dual-Layer BDRs which I put in the fireproof box and sometimes hand off to family.