I love the three-toed skinks, such cute little darlings. More skink love is needed in this world
I love the three-toed skinks, such cute little darlings. More skink love is needed in this world
Nature is oppressive, so are billionaires. Working together helps overcome that, both when combatting nature and the asset class
Just to add to your point, statistically tech workers are disproportionately democrat voters. I’m not sure about higher ups, but it would surprise me if they were disproportionately pro-trump
Life isn’t black and white, neither are people. The people in this thread aren’t disagreeing with your beliefs and condone genocide as much as you do. But you’re not being charitable in your interpretations and are immediately meeting them with hostility.
The more hostile you are, the more people get their guards up, and the more you drive them away from your cause
It’s not the content of your comments, it’s the way they’re worded. You speak with an aggressive and accusatory tone that isn’t conducive to discussion.
If you just word things a little softer, I’m sure you’ll have many people agree with you, and avoid any future bans.
I know things can get heated and emotional, and it gets to all of us at times. It takes effort and self reflection to avoid getting unnecessarily worked up
You’re literally here talking about them talking about her.
I know it’s subjective, and not denying your experience. But for other readers, the og Linkbuds are hands down the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn, without exception. I sometimes even forget I’m wearing them.
Obviously your mileage may vary, but if they sound like they might be your thing, it’s worth giving them a go, especially with the crazy low sales atm
At the moment it looks like what the market is demanding. A few years ago specialisation was in
Oh boy! Not all ads! Oh yippee! I have been blessed on this fine day! 🥰
Crumbs is such a cute name, but a little small when he’s the whole loaf
deleted by creator
This is the pick yourself up by your bootstraps version of raising a child. You can’t seriously expect a 12 year old to have enough wisdom and initiative to do this? Why do we have this unrealistic expectation that men are super capable and just choose to be failures? It’s the same system that fails everybody else, that’s also failing them
That reply is pretty measured considering the topic of women’s preferences was already set. They weren’t going out of their way to hate on women.
People can be pretty shallow creatures, men and women alike. So obviously, whilst money or beauty is not the be all and end all, it allows people to make a better first impression and pass some initial filters. Denying that is just deluding yourself.
Obviously there are always going to be exceptions, some people are actively repulsed by wealth or the current beauty standards
I think there’s a line where it crosses over. Being “in shape” definitely makes you more attractive to women. Being anything above that definitely appeals more to men, and for many women even makes you less attractive
I don’t think you’ve missed anything. Reptiles are particularly good for mobile zoos as many don’t stress easily and don’t require (or in some cases actively hate) large enclosures. Tegus, Monitors, and more intelligent lizards actually seem to enjoy, or at least show interest in, people and new places.
As long as the keeper is responsible and takes good care of the animals I don’t know what exactly the problem is
Springtails and certain mites also love to eat fungus. I use them to keep mold under control in my terrariums
The main issue with YouTube premium is the price, I can’t imagine that they’re making anywhere near $14 a month from showing me ads that I never click on. I’d love to see a breakdown, including how much is subsiding free users, how much is going to creators, and how much is going into the pockets of shareholders.
I think like most if not all of the people I know would easily pay $5 dollars for premium
It can be both, warm lights don’t massively affect how cold/warm something is compared to other objects
It’s obviously a warmer white compared to the clinical colder white they have currently. Warmer colours just feel more homely. I wouldn’t want a cold officey white in my house
I think for the"normal" people who aren’t frothing at the mouth racists, it’s specifically about the HR enforced corporate perversion of diversity, equity and inclusion that they hate. Patronising lecturers and dehumanising metrics often leave a sour taste in peoples mouths, even if the cause is a good one