Looking at what you’ve written here, it seems like you don’t actually have a hobby. I would have a go at something you did when you were a kid- maybe you were really into books, maybe you were into cycling, painting, whatever really. But don’t just try it a few times then give up if it doesn’t feel how you want it to feel, try turning it into a project. For example, I wanted to get back into reading books, but I just didn’t enjoy it. So I tried to find out what made me love reading so much as a kid, then recreate that in the present. I tried reading late at night, by the light of a lamppost like I did when I was super into books, and that brought back the enjoyment I used to have. You don’t have to go down that route, the main idea here is to find a new hobby, something to look forward to rather than just existing for the sake of it.
Motorcycle gear. I now know I can buy armoured(!!) leggings that go under my jeans, and an armoured(!!) leather jacket that looks kickass over a hoodie.