That’s security, not privacy
That’s security, not privacy
Som tilmed lyder som om det er et helt udmærket kort - nej, ikke top high-end, men et kort normale mennesker kan få råd til, uden at spare sammen i flere år.
Og så virker det vidst også godt med pingvin OS!
I can tell you with 100% certainty that the group name you wrote isn’t Danish. Whether it’s Swedish or not, I’m not sure, but there you go
Oh, I definitely agree with that one. Sometimes there is a genuine need for a car of that size, but whether it being media propaganda or not, I feel like there is a lean towards cars of that class, and usually not in a “I need this for a specific purpose, and not just to show the world how small my donger is” kind of way.
The perspective is fun, buying a new car in Denmark is a big investment, for many people it’s around what they make in a year after taxes, and even then it’s a relatively small car. I’m not saying electric is the golden bullet people want it to be, far from it as of right now, but we need to change something in order to have a chance of saving ourselves from destroying the planet. Perhaps a higher fuel cost will incentivice smaller cars, and thus better milage, for our American friends?
Boost can still work, though - ReVanced is a great project