Taking an ewobreak ;-)
Also may have been the inspiration for Guts fron Berserk!
Yep. Oh well we still have kvm/qemu…
Yeah, agree but the issue here is, what happens when their non-native implementation for Linux goes kaput? i guess we’ll be having to run Windows or Android VMs!
There’s tons of FOSS auth stuff but apparently Jagex isn’t clued in enough…
iPhone is Dracula?
Classic, must be a HP printer.
That does sound like a bad experience for sure :s
Hopefully they’ve ironed out all the false positives, I’ve heard other people say the same before. I’ll definitely make sure to map 1:1.
I’ve done things like that with my keyboard in the past and have no problems (I have left/right click keys on my mech keyboard - handy for thieving elves and stuff).
I will definitely check that out thanks! As far as new games go the only ones I really want to properly go through are Soulsbournes/Elden ring and the Witcher series. Apart from them and RS I don’t really feel enthralled by newer games so emulation is definitely the way to go.
Thanks! Hang in there with mining too :-)
Makes sense. Bit of a shame really, I’m not using a Jagex Account until they force it on me to be honest, there’s no BSD support either!
Not saying they need to cater for the 5 people who play on BSD but open-source/cross-platform stuff would have been nicer to deal with.
I do still play from time to time on my old Thinkpad running OpenBSD, no sound, no GPU plugin. Maybe I’ll port it over one day! :p
another company. Inserting Linux support into it is apparently a considerably bigger ask tha
Interesting, that’s nice to know they’re not just being obstinate… I wonder what license lets them use it for Mac but not Linux. Thanks!
Oo, do you have a source for that (licensed tech)? I guess they may be using closed-source stuff then maybe but I wonder how they port it to Mac!
Pretty much, there’s no point of risking switching to a Jagex Account right now for FOMO if the Jagex Launcher stops working with WINE etc.
If it works for Mac, it should be fairly easily cross-platformed. Also speaking as someone who runs OpenBSD on their lappy to play RuneLite sometimes, I guess I’m doubly fucked too :P
Jew here too, Netanyahu is a corrupt fascist cunt.
Thanks! As said you don’t really need crystal, it’s just a nice to have. It’s nice for Cox/ToA but for learning ToB you’re better off with elite Void. I know the feeling of camping wolf prison all too well (~1500kc).
Maybe switch it up? I was averaging 25kc cg a day but some days I’d just do 5 instead, you’ll get it for sure, no rush :) Could even run normal CG if you feel burnt since it’s just a lot more chill. GL!
Very nice, I feel the grind too! 4 slayer levels to go now at 95 and I’m done maxing. I’ll be hitting ToB/Hardmode ToB religiously after to build up the bank. No boss tasks, I’m just sending duradel for all the cannon/burst tasks I can. Best of luck!
I bet, UIM seems like very rewarding but also a lot of prep/theorycrafting. GL :)
You are correct, although zram uses more cpu power since it compresses things. It’s not really an issue if you’re not using a potato :=)
Agree, but I think the X230 is slightly better as it runs cooler, has a better iGPU, has USB 3 and you can classic keyboard swap anyways :)
I snagged one in decent condition for £60 recently and plan to mod it up when I can, namely:
Oldschool Runescape! Also getting gifted Elden ring :-)