The biggest requirement is the starter. After that, you really just need a bowl to mix and proof the dough, and a baking sheet or stone to cook on. Dutch ovens, proofing baskets, lames, etc are nice to have, but not necessary to make great bread.
The biggest requirement is the starter. After that, you really just need a bowl to mix and proof the dough, and a baking sheet or stone to cook on. Dutch ovens, proofing baskets, lames, etc are nice to have, but not necessary to make great bread.
The camping episode.
I doubt there will be meaningful elections in two years, but we can hope.
Pomegranate Cocktail, I have a pomegranate tree, and this is my favorite way to consume them. My recipe: 2 oz Bourbon ½ oz Triple Sec ½ oz Maple Syrup 4 oz Pomegranate Juice
Roaches Georg has a serious problem! For the uninformed: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiders_Georg
The only thing keeping them running is the NFL.
Least favorite holiday punch flavor /s
I like the idea of using this as a brining bucket, it should keep cold for a couple of days.
…“and some of them even like you.”
I have also done the opposite, skipping places and avoiding fights because it was easier to do. Reach the first boss only to get completely annihilated.
A good idea, but what came to mind: You enter a small well lit cave. The walls have assorted moccasins, chopines, poulaines, and other footware spiked to them. A goblin in a colored shirt runs out and greets you in a croaking voice. “What can I help you with today?”
My philosophy is that I need a job, but I don’t need this job. Its great to see people quit working for companies treating employees poorly.
Avatar The Last Airbender. An animated series with a complete story arch that takes place in a unique world. The characters are very relatable and have great development over time, even the villians are better than what most shows have. The animation is sophisticated in the way it is used to help tell the story, and the story is wonderful, it hooks you in from the intro:
“*Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.”
I’ve been drinking my way through Jeff Berry’s books (Tiki drinks). My favorite so far is the Tiger Shark. 2oz each, white & gold puerto rican rum, lime juice, pineapple juice, and simple syrup. Shaken and poured over crushed iced with optional 151 proof demerara rum.
I thought it was a reverse sear.
The Republicans arn’t taking any water breaks or allowing themselves shaded areas, right?
“Walk on road, hmm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later…get squish just like grape.” – Mr. Miyagi
A former boss: “If 24 hours a day is not enough, work nights”. I did not work there for long.
For a thin steak, I agree. However, a thick cut of meat requires a longer cook time and the crust applied at the beginning of the cook tends to lose its integrity. Cooking longer and slower first allows one to apply the desired temp evenly throughout a thick cut, then searing last reduces and even eliminates the tough grey outer layer.
The Dresden Files is a similar universe with magic and the supernatural existing with the mundane.
No, there are lots of ways to make the bread more or less tangy. Feed your starter with bread flour instead of whole grains will reduce the acid for you. You can also increase the amount of starter in a recipe to reduce proof time, and proof at room temp.